Another great episode! The writers apparently came back refreshed, rejuvenated and Ready to Go, post-strike! I gave it an A-. :thumbsup:
I'm loving the Taxi Cab killer arc, I think it has serious potential. I knew it was a multi-parter, so I figured they wouldn't catch the killer at the end, but I thought for sure the guy who showed up at the apt. PJ was showing was the killer - especially after he told her "Don't worry, I'll be quick" - and that we as viewers would then be privy to who the killer was, but it would just remain for the CSI team to catch up with him in Part II. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was very wrong!
Loved how they did it at the end, interspersing the young man's demise in the back of the Cab, with Mac's realization that the killer was a Cabbie. Brilliant!
So nice to see Hawkes getting some serious screen time - although, as someone else mentioned, he spent much of his time with his arm sunk to the elbow, in the shark's innards... :cardie: Did anyone else get a bit of a squick feeling, when they were piecing together the first vic's neck skin that they retrieved from the shark, so they could read the writing? Eeew... :lol:
Good to see Stella kicking some serious butt, and some great one-liners from Flack. Loved that she turned down the candy, he ate it, but then she immediately wanted to know how good it was...
I really enjoyed Quinn, and I agree with several other posters who liked that the writers didn't travel down the hackneyed old road of making her out to be the big Baddie. She had good chemistry with everyone, particularly Gary/Mac. I liked how, even after all this time, sparks still flew, and they were still flirting. Cute how he "called" her on it, and they didn't have him sqirming uncomforatably when the Kiss was brought up. They gave him an imperfection/indiscretion, but still managed to make him faithful to Claire, which made sense. I think that Mac could easily entertain thoughts of now pairing up with Quinn, but of course she does represent his weakness, his mistake... and we all know how Mac does not like being reminded of his own weaknesses! :lol:
Loved seeing Reed come back into the picture, the chemistry between he and Mac is excellent. And now that Reed will be coming out with insider scoopage on the Taxi Cab Killer, I sense danger ahead for our intrepid cub reporter...
Finally, D/L... I can understand Lindsay's reaction when Danny suggested renting "Jaws". Their banter reminded her of how much fun she had with him, but his suggestion also reminded her of her decision to try and get over him, and obviously she's nowhere near that point, yet. I had to roll my eyes later when Mac called her on leaving the evidence, and she tried foisting the responsibility off on Danny... then quickly recanted, and admit that it was wholly her mistake and responsibility. That was a realistic scenario, IMO, and I'm glad they had her own up to it.
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this one continue!
I'm loving the Taxi Cab killer arc, I think it has serious potential. I knew it was a multi-parter, so I figured they wouldn't catch the killer at the end, but I thought for sure the guy who showed up at the apt. PJ was showing was the killer - especially after he told her "Don't worry, I'll be quick" - and that we as viewers would then be privy to who the killer was, but it would just remain for the CSI team to catch up with him in Part II. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was very wrong!
So nice to see Hawkes getting some serious screen time - although, as someone else mentioned, he spent much of his time with his arm sunk to the elbow, in the shark's innards... :cardie: Did anyone else get a bit of a squick feeling, when they were piecing together the first vic's neck skin that they retrieved from the shark, so they could read the writing? Eeew... :lol:
Good to see Stella kicking some serious butt, and some great one-liners from Flack. Loved that she turned down the candy, he ate it, but then she immediately wanted to know how good it was...
I really enjoyed Quinn, and I agree with several other posters who liked that the writers didn't travel down the hackneyed old road of making her out to be the big Baddie. She had good chemistry with everyone, particularly Gary/Mac. I liked how, even after all this time, sparks still flew, and they were still flirting. Cute how he "called" her on it, and they didn't have him sqirming uncomforatably when the Kiss was brought up. They gave him an imperfection/indiscretion, but still managed to make him faithful to Claire, which made sense. I think that Mac could easily entertain thoughts of now pairing up with Quinn, but of course she does represent his weakness, his mistake... and we all know how Mac does not like being reminded of his own weaknesses! :lol:
Loved seeing Reed come back into the picture, the chemistry between he and Mac is excellent. And now that Reed will be coming out with insider scoopage on the Taxi Cab Killer, I sense danger ahead for our intrepid cub reporter...
Finally, D/L... I can understand Lindsay's reaction when Danny suggested renting "Jaws". Their banter reminded her of how much fun she had with him, but his suggestion also reminded her of her decision to try and get over him, and obviously she's nowhere near that point, yet. I had to roll my eyes later when Mac called her on leaving the evidence, and she tried foisting the responsibility off on Danny... then quickly recanted, and admit that it was wholly her mistake and responsibility. That was a realistic scenario, IMO, and I'm glad they had her own up to it.
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this one continue!