Definitely an A+ from me, though I would have liked it even more had it been a double, so we could see more, perhaps what the team remember from the days immediately after 9/11.
But for a one-hour episode, I think they did a wonderful job.
-The Mac/Claire scene at the beginning was just wonderful. It so clearly showed how *happy* and at ease and content Mac was when Claire was alive. Loved the closeness between them, and those little moments like when she cleans the shaving foam off his ear. That whole scene was far more intimate than any scene showing them in bed would have been. It was far more intimate than the beginning of 'People with Money' with Mac and Peyton. It showed a happily married couple who had clearly been married for some years and who were very much in love and at ease in each other's company.
I loved seeing how playful and lighthearted Claire was, and how that brought out a lighter side to Mac. God, the way he smiled and looked at her....excuse me while I have an Intensely Jealous Moment!!!! His surprising her with the opera tickets was sweet and funny.
- Good to see Danny in uniform and away from the lab. I've always thought he's been better at the 'street' side of things than the 'lab' side of things. But I didn't like the 'tache.
-Loved Mac's flashback on the bus, and Claire sticking her tongue out at him and the ominous music as the bus pulls away, the last time he'll ever see her....
-Mac's flashback to when *it* happened was so heartbreaking. The tremor in his voice when he first answers the phone and says 'Claire' that continues as he begs her to get away. He's terrified for her, and on the brink of losing it, and then the second plane strikes, and, God, when he screams her name.....
-Loved Mac and Joe Vincent's interractions. How Mac persuades Joe to come to the ceremony while ultimately leaving the final decision to him. Because Mac *knows* how difficult it is. I like how their loss bonds them. I like that Mac has given so much time to work on honouring the first responders along with Joe. It's clearly something close to both Mac and Gary's hearts.
-Adam's impression of Jo and the would-be new boss was hilarious, the overdone Southern accent he did for Jo, and the nerdy, nasal voice he did for the guy. LOL also at 'Interim Boss'. I like how Jo's determined Mac will be back.
-Mac's flashback to getting near the towers just as the South Tower (I assume) falls, and he saves that woman....

The look of fear and confusion on his face....
-Loved Jo's flashback, her fear for her kids and confusion over what was happening combined with her take-charge attitude was bang on, and it was good to have a mention of and tribute to the plane crash and loss of life at the Pentagon.
-Loved Jo and Mac's meeting, and the obvious friendship and closeness between them. I like how despite being convinced Mac would be coming back, Jo didn't push him on it or kick off about it. God, I like her *so* much better than Stella.
-Flack's flashback was brilliant, very grim, but also shows the start of the Flack/Danny friendship and explains their closeness/
-Sid's flashback which includes Mac bringing in the dead fireman was brilliant but so dark and heartbreaking. Mac again looking so utterly lost....It was nice that Sid got a flashback all of his own, too.
-Mac's speech at the end was really moving. He was so sincere and obviously struggling with his own grief all at once. Really nice to see the team be there for him.
-The end scene of the ep was perfect. It was absolutely appropriate that Mac should have that last moment to himself as he let go of the opera tickets and stood alone on the beach. I'm glad it ended with such an important and intense and private moment for Mac, and not just with him hugging the others at the end of the ceremony at the Wall of Remembrance. Because while this ep works very well as a 9/11 ep, and a tribute to the first responders, it's really about (IMO) the team's personal memories of that day, and, especially, about Mac's memories of that day, given that it was an event that so clearly defined who he is now. So that it should start with him giving Claire those tickets, and them having a private moment, and then end with Mac letting go of those same tickets and having a private moment, just worked perfectly.
-The 'case' was okay, but really not the focus of the episode, and I didn't pay it much attention.
- I know some people were bothered that Aiden and Stella weren't mentioned. Well, personally I can't stand Stella, so wasn't at all bothered she wasn't even mentioned. A mention of Aidan, or Reed, would have been nice, and had the episode been longer would have worked well had they been included, but the flashbacks of the *current* team worked really well.
So yes, A+. My only quibbles were it could have been longer, and that Danny looks ridiculous with facial hair.