Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

Well, this is a little late :D

This is the only episode I have ever given an A+ to. Seriously, I though this was one of the best episodes of NY ever. About 1/4 the way through I though they would have to make this a two parter to do justice to the whole serial killer bit. I was very pleasantly surprised at how fast paced it was, but unlike some other fast paced episodes, it didn't feel rushed.

Totally awesome.
Did anybody else check out edoclaundry to buy any of the shirts? I just got my hypnos shirt in the mail today! I was so happy!
oceanwind said:
HI? Does anyone know when he comes back on the show??? I Cant Wait!!!!!!!!! I love Eddie Furlong!!!!!!!!!!!
Just to be safe:
In S03E11 - "Raising Shane" the story of "Hung out to dry" will be continued :) - Don't know when it will air (December or January).