I give it an
(Just copy-pasting something I wrote in one of my blogs.

"Probably the best part of this episode was the fact that the entire team worked on the case. This happens rarely in this spin-off, and when it does, you know it's special.
Fusing Greek mythology (something I've always found interesting) into the case was ingenious. I applaud the writers for their research and their creativity into making a plot that would entertain the viewers and at the same time try to get them thinking. It's like encouraging the audience to help the team with the case.
One more thing I'm grateful for the writers for is the lack of Danny/Lindsay interaction. As much as I love seeing the two together, it would seem very...inappropriate to still force the issue after last week's episode. Putting those two together right now would seem odd and out of place with the case. But I would like to see them resolve in whatever way in the future.
Edward Furlong fit the role of the suspect like a glove. Though I kinda got him pegged as the perp when he was showing Mac and Danny the web site, I didn't think he'd escape. I would like to see him as the sort of "arch enemy" of the team this season.
And I believe this is one of the few times that a member of the team is targeted by the suspect. Now the question remains - what will happen to Hawkes now that the perp has escaped? Oh boy, I can't wait to see the follow up episode."
As for this episode not having character development, I think it's okay that it didn't have any. The past two episodes were pretty "heavy", and having character developments in all the episodes and pushing the cases to the background might turn this show into a soap. An episode with a good case, like this one, kinda balances things out. Makes the show not too "soap-y", like "heavy" eps make it not too robotic.
Woosh. I hope I made sense there. ^^;