Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

This episode was insanely awesome! This really has to be the best NY episode I've seen. And was this episode the first "unsolved" case for the show? Well... with Casey escaped, poor Hawkes is gonna have to watch his back. That should make for an interesting episode.
Nothing less tha A+ (If there was an A+++ category, i would choose that). This episode restored my faith in the writers and it was nice to see decent interaction between the characters instead of the forced romantic interest last week. The scene in the car between Flack and Danny was perfect and Mac's concern for Hawkes added another layer to the character development of Mac - nicely done. The episode was fast paced and gripping from the first moment. Are we to assume that Edward Furlong's character will be Mac's nemesis? It came across more as Hawkes'! We know Shane is a recurring character for several episodes and I am excited to see what the writers do with the character. An excellent episode all round!
I loved tonight's Ep also. Im really starting to like CSI NY. Ive always like GS anyway.
Does anyone know the name of the song that was playing at the party just before the couple found the beheaded body hanging in the bedroom.
Wow. What a great eppy. I love mythology, so I loved that part of the mystery. Yes, I pegged Furlong, too, but he did a great job, and I think the addition of the videos of he and his brother added a poignancy.

I also loved the shared screentime. Lots of everyone. I loved that Hawkes got pulled in as a potential target. When Mac first realized who the med examiner was but we didn't know yet, I thought it was going to be Peyton, but SWEET SURPRISE!!!!!!!! It was Hawkes.

I love Flack, and we got to see more of him, and I love how he and Danny work together.

Just a fantastic eppy.
jetgofish, you're right, the song at the end was Bruce Springsteen's "Blood Brothers", very effectively used too, I might add. I'm not a huge Springsteen fan, but that song was dead-on perfect for the end scenes.

I knew Furlong was the killer from his first scene too, but as someone else mentioned, I almost think we were supposed to figure that, with Furlong being a sort of bigger named guest star, over several eps. The main key here was solving the crime, putting those delicious little pieces of the puzzle together, before he could get to his next victim. Loved it when Danny chimed in with his knowledge of the Sleep god, can't recall the name. I think he surprised his teammates - and the audience - with that one! Also loved Danny's comment to the guy selling the edoc T-shirts in Central Park, after the guy said to he and Mac, "Wow, you guys are the smart cops!" Danny: "Yeah, somewhere along the way we learned to read..." Priceless! :lol: I think even Mac got a kick out of that one! And I loved seeing Flack get frustrated with the drunks at the frat party, Pissy!Flack ranks right up there with Pissy!Mac... :D

Wow, there are so many little nuances and subtleties in this ep, so many things to pick apart and discuss, I'll have to watch it again tonight. Thank goodness the ancient VCR is still kickin'! :)
First, I have one thing to say: "Edward Fortyhands" and then, "Get out of my face." :lol: I cracked up over that one for awhile. These things are funny to me at 10 pm after a long day.

As everyone else said, best episode so far. It's certainly the only one that's kept me engaged and interested the whole way through. I'm not sure if it was just because it was that good, or if it was just having the one case to concentrate on this week.

Everything was so interesting and all the pieces fit together really well. I loved the chase at the end. "No man, don't do it!" *jumps* "Son of a bitch. He did it." :lol: And then the little Danny/Flack at the end...guh. I'm interested to see where this'll go next week and see if this guy decides to target Danny and Flack for catching him and Hawkes for his brother. should have been 2 hours last night.
I give it an A+. This was the best episode I have seen since the glory days of Season One. It was just a classic episode, with all the bells and whistles.

Hammerback was once again in "creepy" mode, which doesn't bother me as much as it once did. I still think he is a closet serial killer. But the man is starting to grow on me. And that quirky little grin from Hawkes when Sid went to the 'creepy place' was priceless.

I loved the idea of the coded t-shirts, that was really cool. Like everyone else, I had the killer pegged from the minute I saw him. But the whole code thing kept it interesting. Being a huge fan of mythology and folklore, I loved the inclussion of Greek mythology. I almost felt like part of the team. :D

Flack was great, as usual. I am so happy to see that the trend of giving him the screen time he deserves continues. He could have been a little snarkier, I miss the Flack that always had something snarky to say. But, I will take him anyway I can get him. Although, I must say I was a little thrown off by the running and tackling. When Danny and Flack were running down the fire escape, I kept thinking 'Didn't this guy just have his whole chest ripped opened not too long ago?'

Danny was great too. The scene is the car at the end was amazing. The Gods of Continuity smiled on us during that whole scene, and Danny's little speech about brothers and standing up for them. You could tell the whole thing was getting to him. And I thought it was nice how Flack stayed quiet, and let Danny have his say.

Still, all in all, the episode rocked. Here's to hoping this is what we have to look forward to for the rest of the season.
I gave the episode an A-.
I was very impressed with the episode as a whole. I knew from the get go that Eddie / Shane was the killer. I could just tell by his casual demeanor, but that didn't make the episode any less fun for me.
I loved it when Flack told that kid to "Get out." I almost keeled over laughing. It's good to see a serious side of the characters from time to time, not that Flack is ever a constant comedian, or anything :)
What made me wonder was the ending of the episode. Did he escape when in the car with Flack and Danny? They didn't assist in his escape, did they? Are Flack and Danny alright?

I'm sure they're fine, and he got out on his own, much later, but I'm wondering if there's a possibilty that they didn't.

I missed the preview for next weeks episode :(

Oh well! I'll definitely be watching this week's again.

Side Note: I was pleased that Hawkes seemed to have a more central role as well.

This is the most beautiful episode of CSI I've ever seen!!! EVER!!!
I'm still shivering...

That special effects with the t-shirts? Amazing.
And all the clues and hints connected to the Greek Mythology? Wow!

I was scared to death when Mac found out that Hawkes was the next victim...and the chase scene? Flack and Danny were great!!!

The car scene is perfect. That sad song, that thing about brothers said by Danny...

Still shivering mate!!!

Maybe it was just so much better than last week's episode to me that I'm giving it an A+ but I just loved this one (despite the gruesome bits)! Definitely definitely made up for last week's epi. It was nice to have the one case for a change and have everyone working together. Everyone seemed to split time on screen well.

The case was interesting - I thought the Shane guy was pretty suspicious at first but didn't care about guessing because I was so caught up in the motive of why this guy was committing such crazy murders and how he was doing it. Then, finding out that Hawkes was in danger in the end - that was a whole twist I hadn't expected. I even thought Sid was the one who had been the medical examiner in danger until Mac asked for Hawkes. I was definitely kept on my toes throughout the epi - just a great pace to the whole show right up until the very end when we find out he escaped! At every commercial break, I had knots in my stomach wanting to find out the end!

Bonus points: Interrogations at the beginning were humorous. Sid talking about his blood alcohol level after his divorce was great! The registered website name as Anon Ymous had me chuckling. Oh and the chase scene! This is how attached I've become to this show - I immediately got nervous when I saw Flack tackle the guy thinking 'don't hurt your wounds!' - I know I know he's healed! Couldn't help it!

Loved the Danny/Flack interaction (both looked smokin') and was glad they had a lot of time together amidst the "brotherly" theme - which reminds me - a Louie reference!!! Subtle, but something at least… :)
I agree with what's already been said...y'all say it way better than I can lol.

It'll be interesting to see how they bring this back up recurring-ly and how Mac finally brings him down for good, if he does.
A+ Episode! I especially like that there was no B plot. Just one cool story. Man those crime scenes were nasty. When Mac pulled the eyeballs out of the guy's pocket, ugh!

Poor Hawkes is on Shane's hit list and Shane has escaped! Yikes, Hawkes better sleep with the lights on and one eye open. I see potential for some Hawkes centric fanfic.

Loved Danny's speech to Shane about brothers. Really moving. Nice to see some continuity. Danny's got such a kind heart.

I did feel sorry for Shane. It's nice when the killer's a fully developed person and you can understand why they did what they did without agreeing with their actions.
OK, well now I can openly talk. Flack had me laughing alot with his one liners. I loved it when he told Mac and Stella; "They came to do the nasty and they found the nasty." Of course the comment of the "Richard Simmons wanna be" was funny as well.

Then the best Flack moment was when Lindsay said at the park, "What is this guy trying to tell us," and Flack responded, "Yeah, like I'm wacked out of my goard." I'm teling ya he had the one liners last night. However Lindsay with her line about AFIX being as helpful as FEMA, that was a good one as well.

I am concerned now for Flack, Danny and Sheldon. You know how that guy was stalking people who hurt him and his family. The first thing I thought when Linds came in and told Mac and Stella was, "OH CRAP, Danny and Flack". I am assuming that Anthony is gonna give us a taste of what Grissom went through a few CSI's back.

Danny opening up to the kid about his brother was a great touch. It let's us know that Louie is and will always be a part of what makes Danny, Danny. It was good that he could relate to the kid about helping out your brother. Flack not saying anything make me think of silent assurance. You know that even though he never said anything, he still was there as support for Danny. They are like brothers in a way, being what Louie couldn't be for Danny.

OK, well, I am through rambling.
B. Great first 45 min. but the solution came too quickly and the ending felt rushed-this could've ROCKED as a 90 min. ep IMO.
OK, dumb question here, but my memory is failing in my old age: Did Louie actually die? I thought we last saw him in a coma.