Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

I would have given it an A++ if I could, but alas I had to settle for A+!

Wow, a television episode where the writers automatically assume I'm an intelligent person and can "get" it! Woo hoo! That's refreshing! :)

Can't go into details since not everyone has seen it yet, but suffice it to say, good screen time for everyone (except Adam, he was missing :( ). Everyone pitched in and had a hand in solving one case (once again, that's refreshing, too - just one case!) Of course, Hawkes and that Beautiful Mind of his was the first to put 2 and 2 together. (Speaking of "A Beautiful Mind", did anyone else think that scene of Mac at the window where Stella was writing the codes, and the numbers flashing around his face, was extremely reminiscent of the famous code-cracking scene with Russell Crowe, in that movie? But I forgive the writers for the wee bit of purloining, because it was still a very cool scene!)

Loved Edward Furlong, and I agree with whomever said something about actually sympathizing with him - I did, too. I found him a very tragic figure, when all was said and done. Because everything else about him was so...painfully normal and average.

Finally, fantastic use of Bruce Springsteen's "Blood Brothers" at the end. Can't wait to see how this story arc pans out over time.

I'll be back to put more of my 2 cents in, after everyone has had a chance to view!
The t-shirts are made by a company based in Seattle called edoc laundry - The CSI info is on their home page.

Their shirts actually are coded and you are supposed to log on and try to figure out an online mystery of some sort. Cool, huh? Interesting concept.

Newbie, West Coast - t minus 1 hour.
I think tonight's episode was awesome. I will wait until tomorrow to post all my comments since it hasn't aired everywhere yet.
Hung Out to Dry was actually the best episode I've seen in such a long time. It was inspired, albiet rather predictable (I called the murderer out from the beginning), well put together, and just really great to watch.

Flack and Danny have much better chemistry than Danny and Lindsay. You would think there'd be an air of awkwardness, or something that would indicate a failed romance, but nothing. And I can't thank TPTB enough for that.

I love the coded shirts.

In all, the episode was a breath of fresh air (though that line at the end probably could have used one more take)
Loved this episode, I have to agree with everyone else. :D :D :D I'm going to wait until I've watched it again before I give any sort of in-depth review (since the past two weeks have had me rather snappy on the first go round :lol:). Great team moments, lovely interaction between the characters, really raw visuals for the murders (it's not easy to gross most of us out anymore, I'd wager :lol:), sympathy for the perp, an open-ended storyline...*sigh* So lovely. See how great it is when they concentrate on the cases? :D

The thing about knowing the murderer ahead of time: yeah, I had him pegged, partly because I knew the actor was in a recurring role, but I don't think that was really the point. I think it was more about finding out why and creating this tension of whether or not the team would figure out who it was, if they'd find him before someone else died, and how would they react to the story, etc. It was also about setting the stage for the rest of the arc. It wasn't important for us to be in suspense about who it was, but it was important that we sympathize with him while still acknowledging that he's a dangerous man. That's my take, anyway. ;)

And now I'm worried for Hawkes! :eek:

Of course, that scene with Danny and the guy in the car was wonderful. Carmine did that scene really well. I'll probably shed a tear when I rewatch it (being in a chat tonight had me more than a bit distracted :p).

At this point, I'm thinking A+, but I'll wait to give it a grade until tomorrow. :D (And, you know, I said I wasn't going to review it at all. I can't write a short post, can I? :lol:)
So good! :D :D

Love Flack and Danny together... lots of action.

I really liked Danny's speech in the cop car at the end about going to bat for a brother. Thank you continuity.

Smart case (for once lately) I felt like they were flexing their creative writing muscle.

And of course the gross out factor (which I love)

More thoughts tomorrow.... obviously I'm too burnt out today to type in full sentences :rolleyes:
Yes, let's leave presents for the continuity-fairy. :lol: But it's too bad they didn't seem to bother with Flack being injured, like La Guera said. :rolleyes:

Another quick note from me--I love mythology. Love, love, love it. I had to go off the verbal clues to guess stuff, though, because the angle my tv was at made it hard to see the images on the shirt. I guessed the hydra wrong (my first guess was Medusa, but I was just going with the beheaded part), but I did get Argus (and I have the chat transcript to prove it ;)), as well as Hades' name. Didn't get the sleepy-dude though, don't think I've ever heard of him. Crap, I need to read my mythology books, I didn't absorb enough information. :lol:
The episode just started, but I had to say- Flack/Eddie is so on tonight! The remarks he made in the teaser about Britney and Kevin and "I swear to God, if somebody calls me 'bro'" :lol: And him and Danny interviewing the 'Greeks' was so funny!
I gave this episode an A. Seriously, this was quite the best episode in the longest time. I loved how they incorporated Greek mythlogy & my mom & I had fun yelling out the names of the gods whenever a picture depicting them came on screen but she beat me when it came to Medusa :lol:. I'm not familar with Hypnos though but he's supposedly the son of Nyx(night goddess) & the brother of Thanatos(death). I think Danny surprised us all when he said that :lol:. I knew who the killer was from the get go but even so the episode was still interesting. I felt scared for Hawkes when the Mac revealed that the killer was after him. Oh, and I found it adorable to see Hawkes get all excited over the mythlogy aspect. Flack was bang on with his wit from the "bro" line all the way to the "Richard Simmons" & beyond. Oh, and the chase scene towards the end was hot :devil:. I never knew Danny could leap like that. I just can't wait to see how they carry the storyline out with Edward Furlong's character. All I gotta say is that they hired the right actor 'cause he is frigging creepy :eek:. Oh, and the sight of the decapitated girl & guy with nails in his eyes made me sick, especially when Mac took out his eyes from the guys pocket. That scene where the camera was moving around Mac was cheesy. Basically, I loved the episode because of the suspence & the way it was so well written. Plus, the fact that some Greek mythlogy made me happy 'cause obviously I love anything Greek :D. I also loved hearing Stella explain the story of Argus & Zeus & all that even though I pretty much knew all of it. I can't wait until next week :D.
jorja_fan86 said:
I loved how they incorporated Greek mythlogy & my mom & I had fun yelling out the names of the gods whenever a picture depicting them came on screen but she beat me when it came to Medusa :lol:.

Not Medusa, the Hydra. I'm pretty sure Jason and the Argonauts had to fight one, too.
That dude better not lay a hand on Hawkes!!

I loved how they incorporated the codes and such into the clues. Very cool. Same with the shots they used for when things were discovered within the shirts.

I really liked the ending. The way it was shot and edited and great song too. I thought it was over and then when Lindsay ran in with the news, it was a "Oh no!" moment for sure!

As usual, I must go watch the episode again for I give anymore comments :D
Showtime said:
jorja_fan86 said:
I loved how they incorporated Greek mythlogy & my mom & I had fun yelling out the names of the gods whenever a picture depicting them came on screen but she beat me when it came to Medusa :lol:.

Not Medusa, the Hydra. I'm pretty sure Jason and the Argonauts had to fight one, too.

Oh yeah that's right. I forgot to metion that I'm happy to see that Flack is getting more screen time then usual. I actually didn't notice that Angell & Peyton weren't in the episode until later on. I wonder how many episodes they each have left.
It's too late to watch it again so it will have to wait till tomorrow. But I loved it. Gave it an A which is the highest grade I give any show. The only thing that I didn't like was that I hate it when you can tell it's a stuntman in a scene. When Flack tackled Shane you could tell it was the stunt guy. I mean I can see why they wouldn't want Eddie to do that himself but it reminds me of cheesy old Star Trek episodes when you can clearly see it's not the actor.

I loved all of it; it kept me fixed on the TV the whole ep. I loved the ride in the car, with Danny talking about going to bat for a brother, and I thought it was insightful of the writers to have Flack with Danny in that moment, since it was he who was with Danny in the hospital when Louie got beat up. Goddess, I can't wait to see the screencaps on this one. And I too now want to go look up these Greek deities in my book, "The Ancient and Shining Ones" by DJ Conway. It has all the various pantheons including Greek.

This episode was a Flack-fest, wasn't it? About friggin' time too!
I'm a newbie here and I thought this episode was great! Before I throw a review, can some one palease tell me the singer and song name to the song at the end. Sounded like Bruce Springsteen, but I don't know!

I loved the comment "If some one calls me bro".
Ahhhhhhhhhh sounds like a good one to look forward to :) A relief after last week's.

Every week, I SWEAR I'm not going to come in here and read the reviews before I have a chance to view the eppy but I can't stop myself. BAD fan.

Another 4-5 days to go for me. :(