Grade 'Green Piece'

How would you grade Green Piece?

  • A+

    Votes: 27 35.1%
  • A

    Votes: 18 23.4%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • B

    Votes: 9 11.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
I thought tonight's episode was pretty good! Adam is adorable:) I loved how he was wearing knee and elbow pads... such a dork thing to do:lol: I liked the moment between Mac and Danny but as soon as Mac brought God into it, I had to roll my eyes:rolleyes: The racist dude was totally creepy, I seriously would not now how to act if I was around someone like that!

I am sorry but the whole ending with Danny and Lindsay was sappy:rolleyes: Of course my mom was like "WHAT??? you can't get a marriage license without blood work, etc":lol: But then she went off to say how she liked that they got married and I just stared at her.
I give this episode an A. Why? Because it was way, WAY better than I expected. I never learn. I should've never given the time of day, much less any credence, to the commercials for this episode I've seen now and then on CBS since last Thursday and the preview of this episode at the end of last week's episode. I thought this episode was gonna be 70% Danny/Lindsay and 30% crime solving CSI: NY style. BOY!!! Was I wrong!!! And I'm glad I was wrong. I loved that Mac/Danny scene in Mac's office where Mac was talking about not having kids with Claire and now she's gone and he regrets it.
Next week's episode, scratch that. I thought this episode was gonna be a BIG, FAT F. So, I will learn and hold off judgement till the end of next week's episode at 10 PM-(Alabama time) next Wednesday night.

My Final Grade for "Green Piece": A.
And you can quote me on that.:cool:
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How did Mac compare Lindsay and Claire?

I will watch the episode in 12 hours but certainly i do know Claire was unique:wtf:
And she id very appreciated inside the Smacked Family Thread (probably the only Mac's lady);) and i am so happy he mentioned her!:bolian:

How did Mac compare Lindsay and Claire?
I will watch the episode in 12 hours but certainly i do know Claire was unique:wtf:
And she id very appreciated inside the Smacked Family Thread (probably the only Mac's lady);) and i am so happy he mentioned her!:bolian:


Here's a transcript of that scene, courtesy of kinkapoodles and her DVR. Lucky duck. ^_^

Danny: I asked her to marry me, Mac. Did you know that? She told me no. Said I was just asking her because she was pregnant.

Mac: Was she right?

Danny: No, I mean I...I dunno, Mac...I love her, I do. I know that, but I just know myself and and I don't wanna disappoint her....or the kid.

Mac: Those fears are normal, Danny. I know that because I felt the same way with Claire. All those doubts about who you are and what you're capable of. I wasn't in a hurry to have children with Claire. I always felt that in the end I might disappoint her or myself. Now she's gone and it's something I'll always regret for the rest of my life. Danny, God brought you and Lindsay together. I believe that. And you have been blessed with a gift. The greatest gift that life has to offer. You can choose to live in a place of fear or you can believe in the best version of yourself.

ETA: Sorry for posting right after I posted... I don't have the delete post function.
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Roxi and Kinkapoddles: YOU ROCK THE WORLD


OMG Mac breaks my heart every time he mentions Claire. Now more than ever i want to know Claire in flashbacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm truly satisfied he compared situations, no both ladies!

But that line "God brought you:wtf: well better make silence on that:lol:

thanks a lot really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did Flack really call someone a douche-bag? I'm not sure I like Flack saying stuff like that....
That's not any worse than when he called that guy at the fireworks warehouse in 4x11 Child's Play a son-of-a-bitch. Which I thought was hilarious, btw.

I'll have to say that even with the DL moments (which didn't squick me out this time), this was a pretty good episode. I actually have a huge post to make in the Big Spoiler thread later since I can't talk about it in here.

I'm still not convinced Danny is in love with Lindsay. I do believe he loves her but not in that "I love my wife" kinda way. It's still obvious that he's only marrying her to do the right thing and since she IS in love with him, would she really turn him down after he dragged her down to city hall and promised to 'be the man she wanted him to be'? That line right there suggests they don't fit as a couple. Danny being excited about being a dad is great to watch but this so called romance with Lindsay just doesn't seem to work. Whatever..I'm just glad we get a break for a few episodes from her.

Was that all we're gonna learn about her family? That her mother should get to see her daughter pregnant? Did I miss something else? Danny's comment about if the baby was a girl made me wonder and guess that it will indeed be a girl. I do have to admit that Danny with a daughter would be adorable. He'd definitely know which boys to keep away from his girl and I'm sure that's the ones she'd be attracted to. :p

Roxi and Kinkapoodles: YOU ROCK THE WORLD
Thanks! :) DVRs are so handy. :)

Adam is a joy to watch every week. I love the scenes he has with Mac. They play so well off each other. The scene with Adam and Hawkes was cute, too. Adam is so gullible. It's sweet.

why again was Flack not there with D/L and why has he not yet said anything to his friend Danny about it? :confused:
My guess is that Flack doesn't care one way or the other about the marriage. :p He seemed pretty happy in Personal Foul (4x19) when he told Danny, "You should piss Lindsay off more often". Also, since Mac had been married before, it made more sense that Danny had that talk with Mac instead of Flack.
did Flack really call someone a douche-bag? I'm not sure I like Flack saying stuff like that....
That's not any worse than when he called that guy at the fireworks warehouse in 4x11 Child's Play a son-of-a-bitch. Which I thought was hilarious, btw.

That part in Child's Play was hilarious! I just don't see Flack as a guy to say douche-bag. But whatever....that's just me apparently! :)

why again was Flack not there with D/L and why has he not yet said anything to his friend Danny about it? :confused:
My guess is that Flack doesn't care one way or the other about the marriage. :p He seemed pretty happy in Personal Foul (4x19) when he told Danny, "You should piss Lindsay off more often". Also, since Mac had been married before, it made more sense that Danny had that talk with Mac instead of Flack.[/quote]

I don't think that's true. I think it's just how it's written cause we don't really see Danny and Flack hang out anymore. And the comment in Personal Foul didn't mean Flack didn't like Lindsay. He said it as a joke cause since Danny and Lindsay were fighting he got to go to the game with Danny instead. And yes, it makes sense for Mac to have that convo with Danny I just want to see a mention of this with Danny and Flack.
I don't think that's true. I think it's just how it's written cause we don't really see Danny and Flack hang out anymore. And the comment in Personal Foul didn't mean Flack didn't like Lindsay. He said it as a joke cause since Danny and Lindsay were fighting he got to go to the game with Danny instead. And yes, it makes sense for Mac to have that convo with Danny I just want to see a mention of this with Danny and Flack.
I never said Flack didn't like Lindsay but Danny sure found that statement pretty damn funny. :p It's not often you hear Danny laugh like that. Plus, they weren't even together at that time since tptb made it clear they got back together or whatever after that case wrapped up (not sure if it was the same night or not). Also, we really don't know one way or the other what Flack thinks of DL being a couple since he's never said. I find it odd that in all the times they work and joke around together that they've never had any mention of it at all. He doesn't have to dislike Lindsay to think marrying her is crazy.
I Loved it!!! A+

I thought that Adam was awsome, but Adam is always awsome!!!

Im In love with Danny and Lindsay I think they are so cute together. I was not sure how the wedding would look cause it kinda looked like many of you guys said "cheesy", but they did a really good job with it, it was very sweet. I loved how they did the The little music video with the voices in the background. That was A nice touch!!!
B- for me. The case wasn't exactly thrilling, you could see it all coming from the very moment it was said the guy had a recycling plant. Also, 500 pounds of explosive and Adam just walks away with just a minor wound to his head? Excuse me? Even if the blast was directed the other way, he'd have died, his body would have gotten torn to pieces or his organs would have blown up inside due to the shockwave. It's also true that some people miraculously live to tell the tale and that must be Adam's case but, hey, how convenient! I'm not saying this because I want Adam killed, I love that guy and next Christmas I'm including one in my letter to Santa, but the bomb thing was just stupid. I reckon my dad's right when he hears me moan about nonsense and says "but it's just a show!". Right, my fault, I'll stop thinking for now.

Hawkes-Adam interaction was love! They look really comfortable around one another, like they were great friends. I never thought they were that close, it will be just one of the many things that are supposed to happen off-screen. Anyhow, how come Stella didn't hug him? ¬¬

I love Sid so much! :guffaw:Lindsay whining about oh how hard being pregnant is -mind you , I know it is. Everyone knows- and he goes something like "Oh, I already have all that, I just want some holidays!". I can't recall the exact thing he said, but it was genius anyway. I would have kissed him.

Mac's little speech made me roll my eyes. I thought I was the only one annoyed by him including God, but I'm relieved to see I'm not. Also, I agree with those who said Mac comparing Claire and Lindsay may point her as the one to die. I know it's part of the vows, but have you noticed one of the parts that was stressed was "till death do us part"?

Final scene = cheese! Fanvids are not half as corny. Luckily, it was just the last couple of minutes or so, which saved me from throwing my whole breakfast up.
I'm curious.

Why, if she knew her father was the target of a bomb, did the daughter race across the city to see him to tell him? Why didn't she call him? :wtf: I suppose there is the minute possibility that she didn't have her cell phone with her (does anyone her age NOT carry a cell phone?) however there are such things as pay phones...

This sort of plot contrivance always irritates, which is a shame because the case was reasonably well done and I liked Adam's scenes, particularly the one with Hawkes.

Eddie Cahill, as always, did a great job, from the moment he stood and stared at the remains of the house and you could see him thinking back to the bomb blast that almost killed him, to the 'douchbag' comment and on to the interrogation of the neo nazi. My only complaint is, where the heck was he for the second half of the episode? For the last few episodes it has felt as if he hasn't had much screen time, or possibly the time he has had has been concentrated into the beginning or end of the episode (thinking about the 'blue flu' episode where he only put in an appearance at the end). I hope this changes in the run up to the end of the season!

Looking forward to next week and Pino's return (although I could do without the 'Pete and Ashley' show - if the clip they showed was the best of the acting heaven help us).