-Adam. Is a goalie. And such a high school boy with the "car!". I do that all of the time, especially when my cousins and I are riding bikes down the middle of the street. :lol:
-ADAM! He got blasted, man.
-Technically, Adam got the pre-credit line with "I got it".
-I love the post-explosion sound trick. they did it on
Criminal Minds, and it was awesome then, too.
-What the heck's with the video-taping?
CSI doesn't like the FBI. Hee. The want the be the only tri-initial group.
-"Douchebag." :lol:
-*mutes during D/L scene* What? I did like "If it is a girl, no guy's going to get close enough to get her pregnant" (I do have closed captioning)
-It's scenes like these that make me not want to be a CSI.
-I kind of hope this isn't terrorism.
-I thought Danny said "Doc". Damn those too-similar names. :lol:
-Commercials are annoying. "We're making a playhouse!" Ah, shut-up and put Adam back on.
-I bet ya she was dead before the blast.
-Wow, did you know that Lindsay is from Montana?
-Although I do like Sid joking that he just wants the time off.
-Aw, daughter. "Based on his reaction, I believe him." Stella, it's phrases like that that make people automatically guilty. Don't do that.
-Hee. Hawkes appreciates Adam. (Don't go there, gutter people! :shifty

-Is it a circle? Is it a circle? Or a chainsaw? (I didn't even see it.)
-Dude. No one calls Flack a pig.
-I'm white, but I still shivered at the "White or black?" question.
-Uh... where exactly is Adam?
-"Felix Redman's house was the target." Well, duh.
-Don't forget, kids: recycling is evil. (Smirk)
-Guy be hiding something.
-"Did you?" I love Adam's look of "uh...."
-New York's most eligible bachelor? I thought
Fay called you, Adam?
-"Teddy Mayhem" Oh, that's subtle.
-My guess: He wasn't
really recycling.
-I like the trick, no matter how much I dislike the trickster's methods.
-"I'm not perspiring, but..." Hee.
-"The only thing I could get is when I got pinged in the head in dodgeball in the third grade..." I love how Stella just kinda shrugs.
-"It's just good you came back." Aw. We all love Adam.
-I love that Mac doesn't even have to ask.
-"Is she right?" "I don't know, Mac." Isn't that...
not a good thing?
-Dude, Mac just said that god brought Danny and Lindsay together. Conspiracy! Mac knows that the writers exist! Oh, wait, did he mean
-My guess is that Allison's group was targeting her father, and she tried to save him. Maybe they thought he wasn't actually recycling. Or maybe he actually wasn't.
-"Nothing personal. Just doing my duty. As one of God's creatures." Hee.
-"Eight dollars a day to breathe in certain death."

-I love that Allison wasn't a bad guy, or really involved in the bombing. At least, not intentionally.
-Mac's people beat Teddy's people. Every time.
-"You and me? We make sense." Reeeeeeally now.
-"You got a money order?" It would've been great if he had said no.
-"What if I had said no?" "Not a chance." See? Stella knows you better than you, Linds.
-Oh my freaking God. I thought we all agreed on
no cheese?
-*laughs* Anyone that hasn't seen the spoilers has
no idea where that one kiss came from.
-Eh. At least it's over with. And Lindsay didn't just see the sign and go "Oo! 25$ for weddings! Yes, Danny, I
will marry you!"
I give this episode a B. I liked the episode in general, but not enough Adam, and the ending was kind of lame. But, on the bright side, at least we didn't have to watch the ceremony.
NEXT WEEK: Bullets out of door! Heroin out of human!

~ Oh Danny, between you and Uncle Donnie, if that baby is a girl, she's going to have a harder time dating than Angell did as a teenager.
Hee! So so true. And hilarious, since Angell had four older brothers,
and a cop father. Danny and Don together would definitely equal that. :lol: