So crime and an entire office of civil servants take the day off so Lindsay can squeeze out a little bundle of something or other.
We learn early on that Danny's two week suspension is up and yet Lindsay is freshly back from Montana, so how exactly Danny spent his two weeks off with her while she was in another state we're really not sure, but asked to suspend belief again.
Her line: "I just got back from Montana and I'm not ready to deal with you yet" ruined much of the first half of the show for me. Not only did that one line completely screw up running timelines but she managed to mention Montana and be a bitch to Adam again all in one breath. Honestly I still have no idea wtf her problem with Adam is but she needs to step off. Maybe he's not ready to deal with your whiny, bloated ass after such a well-deserved break for the whole office.
At least the first half of the show gave me a highly comical impression of Mac from Adam. That saved that whole scene.
For Mac, the only person short of Adam, Sid and Flack who seem to be getting any work done while this is going on, the episode is reminiscent of The Closer but this time it takes them over 15 minutes to get around to telling us just what the hell it is that has Mac so suspicious about this case to begin with. When he finally reveals to Flack about the shoulder thing, I'm not sure I buy that he wasn't subborn enough a year ago to have figured this out then.
Secondly, Mac pretty well says outright in this scene with Don that what Nevil did at the scene of the accident was just so decent he couldn't bring himself to believe it was the truth. That says something far more interesting about Mac than it does about the case and they neglect to explore it at all.
And then we add the cheese. Danny rushing to the hospital with Hawkes' help while he calls her repeatedly, wondering why she can't pick up a phone when she's busy trying to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of her who-ha, but don't worry because despite the fact that this is a NYC hospital and on a good day is probably half as packed as the Bronx Zoo they bump into each other in the first hallway he comes rushing down.
Half of this episode plays out during flashbacks, which is I guess the only way they could involve some characters like Danny in it without pulling him away from his own drama right now. It's not a bad idea but it doesn't execute very smoothly and it feels like everyone is popping in and out from the lab to the hospital to the morgue and wherever the hell else they're needed.
When we do catch up with Lindsay she’s already lodging complaints with Stella and I get this sinking feeling that this is only scratching the surface. We're going to be hearing about 3am feedings and colic until we're all bleeding form the ears and for a moment I have a pang of sympathy for Danny. Meanwhile in an adjacent hall Danny's moaning to Adam and I have to laugh that this thing is on the verge of springing from her loins and still these two are completely incapable of voicing their real thoughts with one another and have to dump their shit on coworkers. I'd be pissed to have to work with either of them at this point.
Adam has 600 in the baby pool, well I wonder what he's got in the divorce pool.
Probably the best interaction through this entire episode was that minute we got between Sid and Mac in the morgue where Mac finally breaks down and asks why the hell everyone is so concerned with how he spends his off the clock time and Sid has to point out the obvious for him.
The rest of the episode really happens in a bit of a blur, between long uninspired conversation and the revelation that his daughter was in the car with him, which I'd guess from about five minutes in. While I might have preferred that the goon working for the vending company had scared Nevil into I've seen this plot play out before on both other CSIs, and probably a Law & Order or two. It's not new. It's not inventive. It's not surprising.
The next thing I know I'm cringing at the sight of Danny coaching this kid out of his baby Mama for about 30 seconds longer than I could stand to see and then everyone is standing around ooing and awing at the fresh pink neonate. They make hackneyed quips and congratulations and Mac is given the title of Godfather for reasons we've barely been privy to. Most annoyingly they end the heart warming scene making damn sure not to give us a name in what only comes off like a desperate attempt to retain viewers for these last two episodes. They might as well have had Lindsay start saying "her name is..." and quickly cut the scene with a big bold "TO BE CONTINUED..."
ETA: half way through watching the show here, I learned that CBS leaked it on their website. Silly kids. I wonder if that will effect their ratings, or if there was some rhyme or reason to doing that.