"Goodbye & Good Luck" Discussion *SPOILERS*

after tonights episode...which I am still debating on whether I liked it or not.......next weeks eppy is a welcome relief. Leave it to my man, hodges...lol! Can't wait to see what he is REALLY up to.
It was a pretty good episode. We got a glimpse of Warrick with his prescription drug.

Yep, Hannah and Marlon were messed up kids. I actually felt a little sorry for her during her breakdown too.

I felt bad for Grissom at the end.

I liked how Sara left her vest, saying Good Luck for Ronnie. Ronnie was better this week. She is growing on me slowly.

Yipee for Nick and Greg scenes. I had a feeling the Greg/Sara arguement scene would get cut.

Next week does look fun.
I thought the episode was really good, but I was upset (really upset) at the ending. She basically left Griss a "Dear, John" letter. I would have preferred she ended the note with something along the lines of: I hope to return to you if/when I am able to bury these "ghosts". I hope that you will wait for me because I know there will never be another for me...there is only you. Cheesy, I know, but oh so sweet!

Jorja is a great actress, and I LOVE Sara. She really is my favorite and I am a romantic so GSR has always been a bonus. I just feel Grissom deserved more. I'm very sad.
I really felt for Sara this episode, but she also began to wear my patience pretty thin in some parts.

We all know many of the CSIs have had their share of traumatic experiences and time out in the field seeing the same crimes being rehashed--but her words to Sam were snotty and a callback to her gripy-self from way back.

Sam has always done his job, put his life on the line, and even paid his dues when he felt he possibly errored in his work. And if Sara recalled during that episode from season 6, it was both her and Nick working that case, debating the evidence, and it was her that challenged Nick's estimate that Hannah could physically committ the murder--hence calling her bluff over her interferance and prosecuting her. Instead Hannah got her brother a mistrial and they both walked.

I'm not laying this all on Sara, the whole judicial system got screwed, but for crying out loud, Sam is the LAST person she needs to be bitching out over what happened with this case.
*sigh* It is so depressing.... Jorja was what got me into CSI in the first place. I think the show will definitely suffer without her. I understand that she has other things she wants to pursue, and I support her in her decision. All good things must come to an end. I just hope that she does what she wants to, and that eventually she will grace us with her presence on CSI once more. ^_^
That was a good episode, I'm surprised. Not too-too much GSR, except for the kiss, which of course, was to be expected. And I actually felt a bit sorry for Sara, for once. Of course, loved the Nick/Greg scenes and even the Greg/Archie bit; that was interesting. All in all, I liked this episode.

Next week's ep. looks pretty cool.
This was a fairly lousy episode. I think the writers were dreaming about being on strike when they wrote this episode. They obviously didn't put much thought into it. And what a coward Sara was to write the love of her life a farewell letter instead of talking to him in person. Does she think Gil wouldn't look for her? Oh wait, I forgot, the writers are on strike and they forgot that he's an investigator and would use all means possible to find her.

Oh and not enough Greg and Nick either.

What really pissed me off was that there was no Greg and Sara fight scene. I would have wanted to see what became of that. Dirty rotten writers! :mad:
wow...that was terrible

Probably the most boring CSI eppy ever...it felt like it was 2 hours.

I really don't like that girl who plays Hannah, sorry, but i don't find her convincing at all. I don't believe for one second she is this 'genius'. We she got upset at the end, i laughed, it was so bad. Also, being an intellectual genius doesn't give you super powers to read peoples emotions. Typically people with high IQs like Hannah would have more trouble reading people than people with normal IQ.

Also, I HATE SLOW MOTION!!! gah! this episode screamed 'hey look how artsy csi can be! OMG!111!!!' Everytime they showed sara too...ulg, i rolled my eyes.

Oh look, Grissom's only interacted with Sara, what a surprise.

And the biggest thing...why would they give Sara that case??! Grissom has already noticed she is upset, why!! It was like drama for the sake of drama. Everyone could see sara had it out for both marlon and hannah!! Nick worked the original one too, and there were plenty of grave shift csi's around...

There were so many pointless scenes just to add drama...like sara and brass trying to outsmart hannah. Heaven forbid they actually use FORENSICS in a show about FORENSIC science. This is exactly the same thing that happened in the first episode...no evidence, therefor a CSI wouldn't even be investigating. Why would they let Sara interview hannah alone?? There should be a detective with her...

Did sara even interact with nick or greg...wow, apparently they aren't friends anymore! Maybe Grissom won't let her talk to other males.

So i guess since Grissom and Sara had such a super relationship, they just shared everything! They were so distant you could fit the great wall of china between them.

So the 'big' kiss... :lol: :lol: wow, way to kiss Grissom while he is talking to a co-worker. Hodges was like 'wtf'! That was the most un-romantic kiss i have ever seen on tv. I think the kisses shared between Billy and Marg on ET were hotter than that. I was laughing at this.

I had a lot of trouble feeling sorry, or anything for Sara. She was just being so rude to everyone. I know she is upset, but people can be upset without snapping at everyone. Way to call a kid a 'freak'. Hannah may be smart, but socially, she is still very young.

Ahh...the ending. LikeOMG!!11!! a love letter. Who didn't see that coming! :rolleyes: I was laughing thoughout this as well. It was soooooooooo stupid. "I love you, but i am leaving'. It makes the engagement and even this whole relationship pointless.

Sorry, but that episode did not do Sara any justice.

Thank god GSR is over!!!
tissues gsr_rulz ??? I'm really in shock right now. Great episode but cant believe the ending like many others. Not your typical goodbye from a major character. ugh. I feel like pigging out on junk food I'm so upset with the way it ended.
I'm in mourning...I'm in shock even though it's what I expected. I can't tell if I liked the episode or not. I know I didn't like seeing so much mad Sara, I would liked to have seen more sad Sara. Also, the no goodbye thing was a rip off as well as the kiss. I didn't even get to enjoy it because I looked at the time and it dawned on me just before the kiss that she wasn't going to say goodbye because there was like two minutes left. It took all the joy out of it for me. Also, why didn't he go after her?!? I mean, kissing Gil in the lab in front of Hodges is not normal and knowing what stress she's been under, he should have known that something was wrong and gone to her.

I did like the letter because it leaves open doors, but I wonder, how much of her stuff did she take with her? Will we get the rumoured phone call scene next week? Also, I hope we see a little bit of upset Grissom next week because Sara leaving was huge. He just can't be all happy next week like we saw in the promo.

I wish the writer's had set this up differently. It would have been better if Sara had left when she told Greg she was tired a couple of episodes back. Also, Grissom should have intervened before he did (last week after her teary talk with him). As usual, he came into the picture too late. I would also have liked to have seen more of the apologizing scene between Grissom and Sara. I mean, couldn't Brass have called a minute later!?!

Plus, what about that picture that was released that showed a happy Grissom and Sara either kissing or hugging!?! Did it get cut, or were they just practicing?

If Jorja does come back, I wonder if Grissom will be mad at her or if he'll try to make it up to her (for not noticing her pain). Plus, what happened to the whole proposal thing?!? I swear, the writer's are horrible at remembering their storylines.

I think Jorja did do a good job acting in this episode with what she was given. I just wish she was given a better script.

I have to admit that I'm looking forward to a fun episode next week, as long as it does mildly address that Grissom's upset Sara is gone.

Okay, ranting over...for now
What's the matter with that cop????? :eek: :confused:

For the very first time in 8th seasons we've seen a cop waiting for the CSI's to enter a house???? :eek:

So much for Brass "stay back till we've secured the scene"

That mistake is unbelievable. :rolleyes:

But Hannah story ark was ok, much better than I thought it would be.
Raven04 said:
Can't wait till next week, the promo looks so hilarious!

Have to agree with that. I'm looking forward to it!

As for the episode on hand (so to speak), I had to think on it a little, because at first, it just seemed a little too abrupt that she left (seemed like not enough had happened to justify it), but after thinking about the letter, she must have felt that she was getting close to her limit. It was that line (not her words) about basically being concerned about breaking down completely on the job. That was the one that clued me in. Though leaving while just leaving a letter was a bit too dramatic for my tastes, as I'd of rather seen her maybe have a small talk with Grissom (though maybe she didn't because she was afraid he would talk her into staying).

As for Jorja leaving, I wish her well and good luck in any future roles :)

Edited to add: something funny- it was during the 8th season of the X-Files when David Duchonvy left...and during "Goodbye and Good Luck", the X-Files theme can be heard at the beginning of the ep :)
I do feel that they could have had a better goodbye from her. It would have been nice to see her saying goodbye to co-workers/friends instead of just taking off.