wow...that was terrible
Probably the most boring CSI eppy felt like it was 2 hours.
I really don't like that girl who plays Hannah, sorry, but i don't find her convincing at all. I don't believe for one second she is this 'genius'. We she got upset at the end, i laughed, it was so bad. Also, being an intellectual genius doesn't give you super powers to read peoples emotions. Typically people with high IQs like Hannah would have more trouble reading people than people with normal IQ.
Also, I HATE SLOW MOTION!!! gah! this episode screamed 'hey look how artsy csi can be! OMG!111!!!' Everytime they showed sara too...ulg, i rolled my eyes.
Oh look, Grissom's only interacted with Sara, what a surprise.
And the biggest thing...why would they give Sara that case??! Grissom has already noticed she is upset, why!! It was like drama for the sake of drama. Everyone could see sara had it out for both marlon and hannah!! Nick worked the original one too, and there were plenty of grave shift csi's around...
There were so many pointless scenes just to add sara and brass trying to outsmart hannah. Heaven forbid they actually use FORENSICS in a show about FORENSIC science. This is exactly the same thing that happened in the first evidence, therefor a CSI wouldn't even be investigating. Why would they let Sara interview hannah alone?? There should be a detective with her...
Did sara even interact with nick or, apparently they aren't friends anymore! Maybe Grissom won't let her talk to other males.
So i guess since Grissom and Sara had such a super relationship, they just shared everything! They were so distant you could fit the great wall of china between them.
So the 'big' kiss... :lol: :lol: wow, way to kiss Grissom while he is talking to a co-worker. Hodges was like 'wtf'! That was the most un-romantic kiss i have ever seen on tv. I think the kisses shared between Billy and Marg on ET were hotter than that. I was laughing at this.
I had a lot of trouble feeling sorry, or anything for Sara. She was just being so rude to everyone. I know she is upset, but people can be upset without snapping at everyone. Way to call a kid a 'freak'. Hannah may be smart, but socially, she is still very young.
Ahh...the ending. LikeOMG!!11!! a love letter. Who didn't see that coming!

I was laughing thoughout this as well. It was soooooooooo stupid. "I love you, but i am leaving'. It makes the engagement and even this whole relationship pointless.
Sorry, but that episode did not do Sara any justice.
Thank god GSR is over!!!