Wow. If there was ever a time to state my feelings over an episode, this would have to be it. Glad I'm not the only one who was upset that the Greg/Sara scene was cut. She leaves without telling the team? I did not like that.
The case was odd. I guess Hannah liked her brother more than normal (or was that just me?)
Sara really got rattled by the whole thing and during all her scenes with the new girl (Ronnie. Meh.) I just kept saying/thinking how Ronnie was so much like the Sara from the early seasons. Caring, looking for justice Sara.
Way to really hammer the point, writers. Sara's replacement is like the old (technically younger) fresh-faced, not jaded Sara... That's not gonna make me like her more. In fact, it just kind of made me sad, because I found myself recalling older episodes. With the dead gorilla and the woman who was almost beaten to death. I think you all know what I'm referring to.
Actually that's a good way to describe this episode as a whole: Sad. And I mean it in both the depressing sense, and the pathetic sense (mostly because of the way she made her exit. How do you not tell your colleagues who have come to be your friends!? Grissom isn't the only one who deserves to know.)
Yes. Sadness all around. Sad for Hannah. Sad for Marlon. Sad that Sara left, and the preview for next week's episode kind of seemed to make light of the sadness. It was weird. I was mopey and confused during the commercials then the preview for the Thanksgiving episode comes up and it's some "crazy!Hodges" episode. Hmmm... I suppose I'm still a bit bitter that he took over Greg's role of "silly lab tech".
In any case, the episode left me with mixed feelings. Most of them negative/depressing.