She reminded me of Hannah! I actually liked it. But why do they have it in for preteen girls?
I wonder if she was poisoned by mutant bees. The promos did say that the crime rate was going up. Maybe they will have an X Files inspired arc, and the bees will be the MCSK of this season.
OT, I also watch Ghost Whisperer and just last season, they had an arc where a wasp or bee was one of the signs of the evil spirits, and the main character (Jennifer Love Hewitt) was frequently being stalked by an evil bee (among other things) at the beginning or end of the show. Tonight's show's end with Grissom reminded me of that. Is that a tail fin I see?
Finally, for anti-GSR's like myself, I propose we adopt the Reverend's opening sermon as a slogan: "We are not GOING to hell. We are in hell NOW."
Just kidding. Sort of. Seriously, I think there was a similar line in The Stand, which ended up with LV being blown to smithereens.
Which reminds me, what did you think of Grissom saying "The world will end some day." and Sara's reaction?
ETA: And about Sara/Ronnie's case, don't forget the bee some guy stepped on in the alley. Probably the bee dunnit.
And I liked Ronnie. I liked her reactions to Sara's, shall we say, brusqueness, or some other word beginning with b. I shall close now.