Gilmore girls

Awesome, you're from Germany too :lol:. I'm also from Germany :D

I will watch GG. I thought they show reruns of MIA!! But anyway...

Yeah, her eyes look super blue in that picture. She is very beautiful :)
Germany and Holland look a like their is also CSI:Miami reruns at the same time here... I go for the GG though :D
AAAAHHHH!!! I just bought s1 & 4 on DVD.... ME LOVES... Ah, the beautiful banter, the gnomes, and Miss Patty :D... OU & they get together in the s4 finale YAY... I liked the whole awkward beginnings of the Luke & Lorelai courtship... & he fell asleep during 'Hardbodies'... CUTE
Sorry for the DP. Time ran out.


OMG. Paris & Doyle took self defence classes in some kind of Isreali course & they beat each other up!!! OMG... SO EFFIN' PHUNNY!!!!!!!! I love this show. :D
It is a girl!!!... Sookie's baby that is :lol:

Poor Rory, Logans father told her that she isn't good enough to be a journalist... and than Logan and Rory stole a boot because she wanted to go out on sea.
That part that Emily was reading the magazine where Lorelai said mean things about her was so funny :lol:
Hooray it's a girl!! That's what we were hoping, Macayla. Very good news :D

Yesterdays episode with the whole dog thingy was hilarious. Now I know what you mean with Emily not that bad treating the dog. I had the impression that they were a bit sad when the dog was gone at the end. And the discussion if the dog is a male or female :lol: They keep changing the sex of the dog the whole episode :p. Yesterday I also realized that Emily and Richard are less annoying when they are together but when they are broke up and stuff it's just not good.

I was a bit angry with Rory cause she didn't want to talk and be with her dad. I mean he did the best to be nice and all and she is just an idiot. :lol:
But afterwards she finally went to her dad now that the father of Christopher is dead.

:lol: The parade was so hilarious and the part where they were searching for the role of the woman/whore. :lol: That was so funny.
But the best was when Taylor came riding a horse and the whore who should be actually played by the girlfriend of Kirk but then it turned out to be Kirk himself. OMG Kirk in that dress that was so friggin hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

The end was so cute. Luke had made a rink for Lorelai in her garden cause she was so depressed and annoyed of the snow. Oh that was soooo sweet :)
That was such a sweet episode, I thought it was so funny that the whore turned out to be Kirk, I couldn't stop laughing, it looked completely hilarious...with that wick :lol:

And that discussion about the dog... LOL they indeed kept changing the sex and all, and yes they were sad about the dog leaving... I think that was because it brought them back together, and now the dog was gone.

I think Rory had all the reasons to get angry at Christopher, and trust me it only gets worse in one of those epi's... what he did, but I thought that he and Lorelai made up but I'm not sure.

So this was the epi with Lorelai breaking up with the snow...she was so frustrated with the snow :lol: And Luke was so relaxed
:lol: The wick and the dress was so funny. And then Lorelai and Rory were wondering cause the gown was too big. Lorelai was confused cause she made the gown and it should actually fit perfectly to Kirk's girlfriend which name I forgot :p. :lol: God that was the best scene of the episode. So friggin hilarious. And Kirk said to Taylor something like we have to sleep with each other etc. Kirk is so funny :lol:

Yes you're right about the dog and that they get together because of the dog. BTW, I totally forgot what the sex of the dog was. They confused me :lol:. But I think it was female.

Well, I will se what he does which is even worse. But I don't think that Christopher is that bad. But anyway as I already said I will see how things will go on. :)

Yeah, and at the beginning she was like in a 'oh the snow is coming I can feel it... trust me Luke'-mood. She pulled him outside at night. And he always said something like 'No it won't snow. the weather guys said it won't snow etc.' Typical Luke reaction and everything. And then it started to snow... awwww :D

Remember Michele in that episode? He was also pretty funny. :lol:
Taylor couldn't believe his ears :lol:
Kirk is so weird... His girlfriends name is Lulu btw

Well I was just affraid the whole time that he would break Lorelai and Luke up.

That was so funny... Luke looked so confused, Lorelai so happy, till her whole car couldn't move because of it :p

I don't remeber Michel in that epi :(
Thanks!! I thought the name starts with L. I thought it was Lilly or something but it's Lulu actually. Imagine they would marry one day :lol:

I'm not afraid of that. I'm more afraid of Lorelai's parents. They would do such bad things. :eek:

Michel was complaining that he had to clear away the snow cause the workers couldn't come because there was too much snow. He was so whiny. :lol:
And then there were guest who went skiing or something like that and he told to Lorelai that they are lost now cause they didn't come back at the time they wanted to be at the dragon inn. And it was just 5 minutes after the date they said. :lol: So if you're late for 5 minutes you're already lost. wow, I didn't know that :p. He's a bit exaggerating
:lol: Hahaha LOL I remember again that was so funny... Michel always whines. Didn't he had to look for those people?
After 5 minutes... that would mean I'm always lost before I arrive at school... just kidding :lol:

Emily is a mean, mean woman... she is going to do something evil :p
Good, I'm already warned from you several times that Emily will do something very bad. And I agree she is mean.

I remember one episode of season 5... Emily bought a tiny panic room :lol:. that was so hilarious. But I don't know what episode it was. Do you know, Macayla??
Sorry, I shall not mension it anymore :)

No, I don't remember wich epi that is...
when I heard that Danny would get Trapped in a panic room I thought it was one like she bought :p
No worries. I don't mind if you repeat yourself. :)

:lol: Now I have the imagination of Danny in such a small panic room trapped. But it would be quite complicated cause where should the dead body be? But I guess this is the wrong thread for discussing Danny being trapped.

But I'm sure that the episode with Emily and the panic room is where they already broke up. She wanted to have a safe place cause Richard were living at the guest house... yeah at the guest house which is few metres away :lol:. And who wants to be in a tiny panic room :eek:
Well not me... It look more like a big fridge, I'm kinda claustrophobic for those small spaces :lol:
She returned it right?
Didn't she got stuck in it or something... this epi isn't that clear in my head :p

Sorry... I just had an mental image of Danny in that Panic room with a dead body :lol: