Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

Alexis went home and got changed she waited a couple of minutes. Then she called Grissom "Hey are you ready? Cause we can leave now." She said with a smile.
Heather smiled. "Sara Be yourself. Stay relaxed. Do be afraid. If her loves you honestly he'll be happy and trust you. Sara I know being in a relationship is hard but I know you and Nick will be just fine."
"Well you can come pick me up. You know where I live right?" Alexis asked with a smirk. She actually got Grissom to go out to dinner with her.
"Sure do, I'll be there in 5 minutes, bye" he hung up with a smile. He drove to her house and pulled up in her driveway.
Alexis smiled and Locked up the house.She got out in her Red dressy shirt and black pants. "Well It's nice to see you again Gil." SHe said with a smile.
"Same here" he smiled at her, he drove them ro the restrant. He got out and walked over to her door and opended it for her.
Alexis smiled at him opening the door. "Very Gentlemen like Grissom I think I should go out with you more often." Alexis couldn't help but hold on to him.
He wraped his arm around her waist, they walked in to the waiter "Table for 2 please".

Waited:"Yes sir" he walked them to the table.

Grissom pulled out the chair for her to sit down.
"You know your a completly different person than what you are made out to be Mr.Grissom." Alexis said as she got ready to look at the menu. "Well let's see. I'll just have a steak well done and some white wine." Alexis looked at Grissom. "YOu?"
she looked up and and saw his smile. She chuckled a bit. "Really, Your different more light hearted and I'm surprized I actually got you out of the lab as well. I mean Grave is always over booked and all." She said with a smirk. "It's nice to actually see you away from all the paper work,Crime scenes,Cold Cases, and seminars us supervisors handle."
"Well what can I say, I love my job" he looked at her "I was actually surprised that you got me out, and Im not allways like i am at the lab" he smiled.
"True Grissom but you always are alone. And if not your with your team. Sometimes when your even off you not actually off either. It seems like work just chases you down." Alexis said with a smirk. "You now just seem so calm something I'm actually get use to seeing. To tell you this isn't fun is totally wrong. I mean it too. You should be like this alot more at the lab. You'll be surprized how much work you can get done." Alexis looked at Grissom "But forget the lab for now. How's life going on in the world of Gil Grissom."
"Well it's as good as it can be" he gave a smerk "Well what about you'r life" he looked back at her as the waiter brung there food, he started to cut a piece of meat.
"It could have never gotten any better."Alexis said. She grabbed her fork and knife and cut the steak and began to eat. "This is really nice though. It's nice to be a part of the scene then just locked up in and office all day."