Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

ALexis smirked and sipped her coffee. "The fact that you actually wanna say something to HEather but you can't because you're afraid she'll never forgive you for what happened during the last case." She sipped her Coffee again. "Grissom you were doing you're Job there's nothing wrong with that."
"I know... I just hate that she proberbly wont talke to me ever again" he looked at his cup taking another sip "I shouldent be sobbing over something so little" he looked back at her.
"Grissom it's okay." She patted his shoulder and smiled. "You really do like don't you. I've never seen you this serious about a girl." She smiled and sipped her Coffee yet again.
"I know it's hard to belive... but i really dont know" he ran his fingers through his hair "She proberbly doesnt even like me enyways" he looked back at her "So how has things been" he said trying to change he subject.
Alexis didn't wanna make Grissom feel uncomfortable so she changed the subject. "Well, I closed a case on a murdered Teacher. ANd My team still hasn't been put together. Conrad needs to make up his mind." She rolled her eyes at the thought. "You?" she sipped the last bit of Coffee.
"Alright I guess" he smiled "I wish Conrad would go somewhere else, just away from here" he had a mad face on him.
"I guess it's not what we always want." She said with a smile. "You have anything planned after shift?" She asked. She probably knew the anwser but hey it was worth a shot.
"No.. surprised" he smiled at her, he usually has a million things to do everynight, but he just closed a case and everything was done.
Alexis smiled "Well you wanna have dinner it'll be on me." She was shocked especially at him cause he normally lived at the lab and had worked there 24/7.
"Sure, but I'll buy" he smiled at her "A lady should never buy dinner, well im getting off in" he quickly looked at his watch "20 minutes. Do you want to go then or a little after that" he looked at her "And where do you want to go?"
Alexis smiled. "Well I did wanna go to that new resturant Near Flamigo. But honestly I'll pay, I asked plus it's my treat." Alexis looked at his eyes. "We can leave a little after I actually wanna change." She smiled and then looked at the clock."Well I'll call you on your cell til then I guess it's so long." Alexis left the room and then went to her office to get her things sorted out.
He watched her leave with a smile on his face "Ok", he walked to his office and got his stuff and left to his house to change as well. He was going to try to have some fun tonight.
CSIStokes said:
Grissom watched as Sara talked to Heather, he wished he could be with Heather, set things right, but he thought after that one case she would never forgive him.
Sara Looked at Heather and frowned "Nick and I have been seeing eachother for awhile now ,noone really knows about it but its pretty serious" she looks at Heather "so How do you tell the Man you love You're carrying his child" if anyone understood how scared she was it would be Heather