Gil walking around the lab... Open RP

He held it up with a big smile "Oh ya" he laughed and got into the car. "Hope you didnt get to bored in here by yourself" he smiled at her starting up the car, and driving off.
"No not at all I just was thinking that's all." She said with smirk. She saw his eyes and looked at them for a minute. Then she looked at the road. "Well then I can't stop doing my job can I." They made it to Heather's house this time she was going to let Grissom take lead.
He knocked on the door and yelled "Open up Heather we have a warrent" he waited for her to open up, he got out the warrent.
Heather opened the door thinking that it was Alexis again getting ready to Scawl. She open the Door and found Grissom in the front and Alexis in the back. "Gil it's a surprize to see you taking charge nice to see that you've gain control again."
Alexis from the back and Saw Heather. She knew Heather would act like the other times. that was the reason she let Grissom take lead. She folded her arms and smirked. "Surprized that I'm not the pissed off one."
Heather looked at Alexis coldly. "Seems like you've blinded him Alexis." She smirked. "Sadly I can't do anything about it. You two have a warrant and you have to serve it. Arrest me." She put out her hands and made a fist.
He looked at her, and slaped some cuffs on her "Lets go" her walked her over to the car and put her in it. He stoped and looked at Heather "All you had to do was just tell us. Now you've pissed me off" he slamed the door.
Heather smirked. "We'll since did you become as cold as steel. Let me guess when you let Alexis in your life. You decided to become a man who can protect her."
Alexis was feed up with this. "You know heather. I'm not gonna take any of this. Look what the hell did he do to you that would tick you off so that you would lead you to do this." Alexis rolled her eyes She was waitting for Grissom to Stop the car at the lab.
He stoped at the lab "Ok thats enough" he got out and opended the door and grabed Heather, he looked at her "I've all ways been like this and you know it" he waled her into the lab.
"You've never been like this. I guess being with a different girl makes you all tough." Heather said with a smirk.
"Grissom just take her to the interrigation room. I'd like to have some fun you know. I wanna question her." ALexis said with a flare in her eye.
"You bet" they walked as Gil put her in the interrigation room "She's all your's" he walked to the other room and stood behind the glass.
Alexis Sat down right across from Heather.
"It's just me and you now. So tell me who are covering for?"
Heather smirked. "I'm not anwsering any questions til my lawyer gets here. If Not I'm not gonna answer anything you ask. Just get Grissom to come in and I'm fine."
Gil looked at her, and walked out of the room he was in into the interrigation room, and sat down beside A;exis. He wisperd in her ear "I'll just sit here to see if she answers eny questions, ok"
Alexis nodded. "Like I was saying WHat were you doing last night?"
Heather smiled "I was at the crimelab in the beginning helpping my friend Sara Sidle. You know her don't you. Well After that I went back to my house and I was doing paperwork."
Alexis said "Were you ever downstairs at all when you went back home?"
Heather smirked "No I was doing paper work all day upstairs."
Alexis said "well can you explain the blood on the dress."
Heather said "No! How dare you say that!"
Alexis said "We found blood matching the victim on your dress also the Pattern of the blood fits in with the blood spatter at your home wall."
Heather stared at her.
Alexis looked at her coldly again. "Now who are you trying to hide?"
Heather smiled at Gil. "And if I don't? What happens I get in a little trouble. Gil I thought you knew me by now. After all you tried this once before. So I'm getting a lawyer. Now no more questions or your evidence is tainted."
Alexis rolled her eyes. "fIne either way I'm a charge you."
Heather just glared at her.
Alexis just looked back "It doesn't matter I'll find out who did it and I'll have the both of you in court. SO take you sweet time with your lawyer. But I'm tell you this. The evidence is against you all the way and the odds are your going to jail for a long time."
"Ya Heather I dont even know why you want a lawer. The evidence points to you all the way, but you do what you want to do. Your going to jail both ways" he got up and walked out.