Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

Welcome CSI Girl, we have no gift basket for new shippers just yet, but here's a little sumthing I made the other day (name that old Police song) that can sub.


GrissButterfly so good to see you again and the chances are in our favor that we'll see Gil & Sofia getting some much deserved screen time together in the new shows coming up.

Barbarella glad to hear you finally got your dvds and have been going crazy with capping. I know we all look forward to seeing some new art from you soon.

And just in case I don't get back - Happy Holidays Ya'll!
Thanks guys, that was a fun one to do.

Yes, these dry spells suck, but whining about it doesn't get us what we crave. Gotta have faith that they start slipping in some Gofia that we look forward to - subtle of course since that's their style.
Hey there guys!

I'm a newbie around here. To tell the truth, I never thought of Sofia & Grissom as a couple before...but I watched Arturtle's and JustAnnie's vids and they were so awesome that those two guys sorta turned me into a So/Griss shipper! Those two really look so right together! :)
Welcome EmmenBreen so glad to have you come aboard! Our only rule, if we have one, is just to have fun.

Yes those videos nailed it...awesome.

Gil & Sofia, I find to be soo darn cute together. Just the type of woman he needs to challenge him both mentally and physically. I just love that she’s got the gonads to tell him what she thinks, but can do it in a very enduring way. Plus now she had the handcuffs and that makes after work dating so much more interesting.

Viva Gofia!
Oh Kira you can put such evil thoughts into my head. Now I have this image of Sofia escorting Gil out of the crime lab, he has his jacket over the cuffs, but not to hide the cuffs like most criminals do, but to hide something else. :lol:
Welcome EmmenBreen so glad to have you come aboard! Our only rule, if we have one, is just to have fun.

Yes those videos nailed it...awesome.

Gil & Sofia, I find to be soo darn cute together. Just the type of woman he needs to challenge him both mentally and physically. I just love that she’s got the gonads to tell him what she thinks, but can do it in a very enduring way. Plus now she had the handcuffs and that makes after work dating so much more interesting.

Viva Gofia!

Thank you, Tazzer, for welcoming me here! :)
I have to agree with you here. To a great CSI just as he is, Grissom seems so out of clues where it comes to women...
Sofia can be just what he needs! :D
WOW!!! Tazzer, that pic is absolutely beautiful! Nice prezzie, you talented lady! I agree with whomever said they might make us wait until after Lady H to see any hardcore Gofia. Otherwise it's Griss/Sofia just starting to get close, Griss meets up with Lady H and loses his balance all over again, then Griss/Sofia again, etc. Too convoluted (although a convoluted plotline is something the CSI writers have grown very fond of - and very good at, LOL).
No worries Emmen I have a hard time with English and its the only languge I know (except cuss words) I was too busy daydreaming to pay any attention in school.

MBG so glad to see you back around, and thanks. Your moving story reminded me of my aunt & uncle move across the alley back in Chicago. It was a good thing cause a few years later that entire block was bought out to build a Jewel store.

Yep Gil has his pick of the crop as far as ladies goes. It would be so funny if they threw us a curveball and let him show a bisexual side by flirting with Greggo. :lol:
Yep Gil has his pick of the crop as far as ladies goes. It would be so funny if they threw us a curveball and let him show a bisexual side by flirting with Greggo. :lol:

Wow! That would be a bit of a shock for him! :lol:

Hey guys, could any of you tell me if there are other Gofia vids around or any fics about them?