Gil & Sofia #2-Let's have dinner. Shall we?

I hope we get some interaction between Gil and Sofia in the new episode it's been awhile and they need to let us see that everything is ok between them.
ITA Jupaschoal
although I do ship Gris and Cath as well I could go either way where Grissom is concerned
Hey! And I see you're a Snicker like me! :) You can call me Ju, by the way! ;)
Yep and a Snicker Like me
oh and hi everyone I dont think I introduced myself I'm Melissa
Hey Mel! *waves to Mel* Can I call you Mel? ;)
I hope we get some interaction between Gil and Sofia in the new episode it's been awhile and they need to let us see that everything is ok between them.

Oh, I hope we see a little bit of continuity there from the ABRTI ep. I can't believe we have to wait til the 8th for the new ep - but at least the reairing is Bodies in Motion with the cute 'surprise' moment. :)
Hey guys and Welcome to our new shipmate Ju, SSS and Sbug so happy to see new faces. Here's a MRA (meal ready to eat) package for those lean times.


Barb your fireworks pic is so appropriate for these two, nice job!

Kira yeah your Gil & Sofia website worked for me today! I like how you have re-vamped it and the new sections you have put in. Thanks for all the hard work for providing a site for us fans.

Yes, Bodies this Thurs with our shipmate and Captain Jim Brass leading the way. He is such a cutie-pie in this show. If we don’t get anything new before the end of the year, we will have the DVD commentary to gush over until we do get something new.
Hey guys and Welcome to our new shipmate Ju, SSS and Sbug so happy to see new faces. Here's a MRA (meal ready to eat) package for those lean times.


Barb your fireworks pic is so appropriate for these two, nice job!

Kira yeah your Gil & Sofia website worked for me today! I like how you have re-vamped it and the new sections you have put in. Thanks for all the hard work for providing a site for us fans.

Yes, Bodies this Thurs with our shipmate and Captain Jim Brass leading the way. He is such a cutie-pie in this show. If we don’t get anything new before the end of the year, we will have the DVD commentary to gush over until we do get something new.
Thanks for the welcome, Tazzer, I'm glad to be here! This board is so much fun, everyone is so nice and crazy! :)
Hey Kira don’t spend too much time looking for that article you talked about the other day cause I have something better. Right from the writer’s mouths themselves, Naren Shankar & Dustin Abraham with the introduction of Sofia Curtis in Formalities:

“Who is the lady in red? A different kind of criminalist. Clearly some sort of flirtatious “love interest” or as far as we go as a love interest on CSI. We knew she was going to be in the show, we knew she was going to be something of a love interest, but who she was, where she came from and how she spoke, all of these things were kind of left up in the air.”

So there is the official declaration.
Well that proves I wasn't wrong in what I read, thats wonderful.
She is a good match for him, I think even better now that he's no longer her boss.
*does happy dance* Yay, now that's what I call evidence. ;)

The more I see of Sofia, the more I love her. And every scene with her and Grissom together makes me smile. :D
thanks for the heads up, Tazz, you made my day! I know I read the same thing in an article, but I find at least 50% of the CSI (and other similar types of) articles suspect, they're so subject to the writer's style and interpretations, taking a "quote" in or out of context, etc. So many vastly differing opinions have been "attributed" to, for example, Billy P at different times, that the man would almost have to have a multiple personality to have honestly said them all, as quoted. But this, this is right from the horse's mouth, as you said. This, I feel I can trust. And this makes me smile. :)