Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

Hehehe ok, maybe he took out of the evidence room.
Grissom loves her toys, he fawned all over her masks at the Dominion and he loved her choice of books.
I'm thinking somehow the whip 'mysteriously' vansished from the evidence room ... :eek:

I'm sure she has it too, or another one
Great article! :D Showed that G/LH really do rock. :) Sexiness, no? ;)

Hmmm. I DEFINITELY see Heather in that Catwoman costume. Will it be stupid if she dressed as a dominatrix? :lol:
I love the idea of Heather in the Catwoman costume. It seems to suit her personality. Over on the Lady Heather thread it was a unanimous vote that she would be some type of cat.

What kind of animal would Grissom be? Something that would 'tame' the cat or tangle with it?
Heather in a catwoman costume would completely rock. She'd really pull that kind off and look really hot in it and sure to drive Griss crazy.

OOO yeah, I'm up for that. They seem to tangle with each other anyway. It's the control that neither one of them want to give up. They know they have feelings for each other, it's just giving up that control to accept it.

So, Grissom could be another type of cat, or something smaller but has the affect of being bigger ....

HHHMMM the possibiliies ;)
Only you could come up with something like that, I swear.

Grissom's kinda pissing me off this season. I just wish he'd make up his damn mind and I hope Heather comes back to kick his ass!
who moi :rolleyes:

Yeah, I wish Heather would come back too. He has already gone out of his way for her, why wouldn't she stay in his life?

Ok, if Heather is the Tiger or some sort of cat, what is Grissom?
If we are going with a Cat theme, then I say both can be black panthers. :D

On the other hand, if Heather was Catwoman, then I'd be curious to see Grissom as Batman. :lol: Though I do find it hard seeing Gil in a Batman outfit. :lol: Heather isn't hard to imagine at all.

hehhe Grissom as Batman
that would be funny :lol:

He could be someone who tries to tame her
someone who wants to control her... but we all know he can't
This is for WPRMW because I know how much you like Halloween and how much you want to see Gil and Heather dress up...

many thanks again to luvingmyHoratio for the wonderful words
Gil as a vampire.. and Heather his muse. There is a thought :)

How sweet Hh! :D
Thanks so much, I love it!

Wow, I never thought about Vampires. God, that does sound so sexy! :devil:

And Halloween is just around the corner too. :D


I can't believe Halloween is so close, and we don't gots a dangit episode until Nov 1st. *bangs head against wall*

btw: love the bat smiley, seriously.

Vampires are so kickass. I think Heather should be one :D
Hey guys!

I was channel surfing Monday night and just caught my All-time favorite CSI moment: Grissom Losing his balance .....awwww that made my night.
Talk about great timing. :D

Today is October 31st and I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween!


A letter in the new TV Guide. Name withheld for privacy sake, it's the Oct. 29 Nov 6 issue~

"In last year's season finale, Grissom confessed that Sara was the only person he ever loved. I think that pretty much puts our least favorite dominatrix out of the running"
Brooklyn, N.Y.

And those scenes from days gone by were good, but that was then, and this is now! sorry :(