Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I'd love to see Heather and Gil together as a family.

They could be together and raise Alison. Catherine or Lindsey could babysit...ahh got another fic idea :D

I love that scene in TGTBATD too, that little girl is so cute. She knows who is going to take care of her ;)
*runs and tackles Catherinesmyidol* wow hun, haven't seen ya in forever, we've missed ya around these parts :) .. Honestly, I only watch CSI for CN and hope of LH's return, booyah! :D Although, I do have to admit, I only saw the ending of this past return, mostly because SPN has hot boys and CN didn't have a scene...

*whacks Heather for having fic idea* Finish the few you have, then start on this one :D
Yeah yeah, I've got lots of ideas for Gil and LH too.
Involving an island, a cabana and clothing optional.. :devil:

And when it comes to raising Alison, She knows who eventually will take care of her... ;)
Ok, I got this from another thread too...

I'm sure we have asked this before, but where do you see Gris and Heather going on vacation? Now that Alison is in her (and now his ;) ) life, I'm sure they'd want to take her along.

Someone said a secluded island or a beach
I'm thinking a romantic little cabin.... :)
Of course they would take her along, its probably something Grissom would insist she would do.

I'm thinking beach since she'll take the little one, but I do like the idea of the cabin one though.
I'm sure it would be Grissom insisting as well. I'm sure having a child in his life would be something he would cherish :)

I like the idea of the beach too, they could play as a family
hhunter said:

I'm laughing at your icon, we do need more Lady Heather LOVE :)

Hey Catherinesmyidol :D Been awhile, hasn't it? :)
I'm always giving Milady my love. :lol: With Gil of course. :devil:

It is wonderful to finally see her granddaughter. And yes I wouldn't mind having Heather & Gil raise her. :D That would be cool. :D

If they were to go on a vacation together, how about returning to Jackpot, NV? They have cabins there. :D I'm not sure if Heather is the outdoor type of person though? :eek: What do you think?

HHHMM Jackpot, intersting...
I'm not sure Heather is the outdoors type either :)
Maybe Gil would take Alison on a rollercoast, maybe at DisneyLand?? Could you see Gil, Heather and Alison and DisneyLand? ;)
Oh yeah I can see the three going to DisneyLand
Heehee Gil riding the children's rollercoaster. :lol: Wouldn't that be cute to see? :lol:

There is soo many possibilities with these three, isn't there? :)

Or going on family drives.. that would be so cute. Gil could point out all the bugs to Alison, he could tell her about the different trees and such that live in the desert.
I can see Gil being really gentle, kind and patient with kids.

Heather could sit back and take it all in..
AHHH that would be great to see that :)

I had to post this pic again from Slaves of Las Vegas
He is looking at her so intently. She knew he was taken with her from the first time they met. I love the way it's capped to (thanks to Tazzer at LadyHeatherDomain). You can almost tell what they are thinking
i just rewatched lady heather's box. the scene w/ her and griss made my heart go *kathunk, *kathunk* and then it made me really sadto watch the tea scene, when he *says stop* lol, i feel like a traitor to my ship, but they have so much chemistry!!! d*
^ naah, don't worry. i'm a GSR and GLH, and i'm all good. TGTBATD was probably my favorite shippy episode ever b/c we had lots of GSR/GLH jealousy. yeah! lol
lol, good, i'm not the only one out there
my sister looked at me like i was nuts when i said i really liked lhb, and tgtbatd... lol, she thought i would hate heather cause of my obsession w/ GSR

i just, like i said, really love their chemistry., and heather is super sexy/mysterious/sophisticated/awesome, lol
Adzix :D

Their chemistry is what hooked me to this ship. I really like Heather as a character too. She is strong, sexy, smart, etc... she can handle Grissom, but Grissom couldn't handle her... at least that is the impression I got at the end of Lady Heather's Box

Yet somehow he kept making his way to her...