Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I've already watched this ep several times now. :lol: I would have never thought about suicide or depression with Heather. :eek: It never crossed my mind. :eek:
At first, the idea that she was a victim didn't sit too well with me. Nope. Not at all. :mad:
After watching TGTBTD, all the pieces came together.
Grissom's smile in the end reminded me of WSSH and Greg becoming a CSI.

What a happy ending.

To know that Gil will always be her friend. That's sweet. Not to mention the fact that they changed the original script. :D

I watched the S6 episode with LH in last night and WOW, I can totally see why people ship these two. They are now my second fave pairing. The end was hot in a strange way, with him pulling on the rope so make her come closer to him. HOT! And the shouting HEEEATHER, and of course 'I said stop' and the hug omg the hug! When he tilts his head onto hers and puts his hand on the back of her head and fiddles with her hair SWOON!

Did anyone notice how his voice softens when he talks to Heather? So cute.

I now have BIG LOVE for GLH. Woo woo. I haven't seen TGTBTD so I can't wait. Weee.
alienor said:
Could you please explain what was on the original script ? :)

From what we understand Lady Heather was supposed to die in the episode, but it got changed (obviously) to a much better ending for her and for Grissom. ;)

I have to say that this storyline didn't sit well with me either. Having her drinking :confused: and a sadistic client ( I thought she didn't do that anymore :confused: ) but the way it was done was so perfect, it made me happy. :D

I was glad to see that Grissom introduced her to her grandchild instead of 'someone else'. (which made me think if Grissom told her about 'said someone else' ??) And he was there for her no matter what had happened to her in the past. Whatever she did to get out of jail and whatever she did to get her daughters killer didn't matter to him. He was there and knew above all things it was her grandchild that mattered most to her in the end.

If this is indeed her last apperance on CSI, I'm glad Grissom was involved.
I really don't understand why people thought he would introduce her to Sara. Why would he do that to either of them? And when he knows Heather is already feeling suicidal?

I am glad about the way they ended it. I can't imagine Grissom would just let it go, especially when it's someone he cares about. That would have been out of character. And they've left it open so she could come back.
19 -- You scare me, I hope you know that. :lol:

I feel bad I didn't get to watch all of this ep, I can't help it! Sammy is just so irresistable.

But I did see the ending, I like the ending, and better then the original script, that would've really pissed me off!

I figured in a way he probably would've intro Sara and Heather. That would've been a bit.. weird.

Griss: Heather, Sara.
Heather: I'll kill you!
Sara: Which one?
Lynn: Both works for me.
19 -- You scare me, I hope you know that.

*wipes hands clean* my work here is done. Lol. Call me Ams btw ;) Why do I scare you?! Because I found the last scene hot?! I got well excited when I was posting it so I just typed as it came to me lmao.

Thank god she didn't die, hopefully she'll come back next season eh? *irritated* I so wanna watch the ep. Ages off it yet. Boo hiss.
ams! Hey welcome to the thread. Have you seen the other two GLH episodes? Slaves of Las Vegas and Lady Heather's Box?

LHB got me hooked!

angelfire I'm not sure why he would introduce the two either but I wouldn't have put it past TPTB to do something like that.. but they didn't!! I don't think it would have been fair either.

The main thing is that Grissom was there for her through the whole ordeal. He knew something was wrong and found out why.
Like I said before, she will always be in his life. I'm sure he would drop everything and do it all again for her!
Funny, I thought you were a slaves whore?

ams your cutes. Your so fluffy. Why couldn't you be an angst person?

If she would've died, I believe I'd been bitching right now. and I'd be yelling bloody murder. I'd have picket signs ready!

Thats true, he'd drop anything. I'm glad he knew something was wrong with her and picked up on it. Its a good sign.
I am a Slaves whore , he he he

but who can forget the 'loosing balance' scene in Lady Heather's Box? That hooked me :)

I'm glad he did pick up that something was wrong, like in Pirates when he found her necklace, as a possible sign of a stuggle, and went to her.

ams is fluffy :D :lol:
Yup hhunter i've seen the other two eps and I always thought Gils attraction was just purely physical but after watching that S6 ep (someone reeeally needs to tell me the name lol) I got that it was more than that, he really cares for her. The way he drives to her rescue, what a sweetie. Bless 'im. I actually awwwwwwwh'd out loud at that.

ams your cutes. Your so fluffy. Why couldn't you be an angst person?

I am pretty fluffy, just started writing my first PJ fanfic and it is rather flufftastic. But I luuuurve my angst too, trust me on that. I find arguements between characters hawt...i'm just wierd :p
Pirates of the Third Reich is the name of the LH episode in S6.

I loved the first two GLH episodes and the one I just mentioned ^^ was a bit odd for me. I dove into a hole bunch of stuff that was 'out there' for me.

But at the end, that was pretty powerful when he's out there in the desert calling HEATHER ... STOP HEATHER...I'M SAYING STOP!
and if you have watched LHB, you would know what he is referring to. :D

Grissom would do anything for her, it's obvious now :D
But at the end, that was pretty powerful when he's out there in the desert calling HEATHER ... STOP HEATHER...I'M SAYING STOP!
and if you have watched LHB, you would know what he is referring to.

Yup I do know what u mean. The scene in LH dominion when she puts her hands on his face 'you can say stop whenever you want' and he puts his hands back 'so can you' omg that is so hot!!

I just loved the look of determination on Gs face when he was driving to try and find her in PotTR. You thought it was odd hhunter? I found it kinda sad, got to see LH vunerable side with her crying at the end. I really liked that ep. Probs my fave. Gonna rewatch the other tnite.

I cannot wait to see TGTBTD!
the part that I thought was odd was the rest of the episode. The human experiments and such. That part is what made the episode 'odd' to me.

The fact that Grissom was there in the end again shows how much he cares for her. I thought Brass would be the one out there trying to stop Heather, but it was Grissom.

And yes, we saw her vulerable side there too.
Yeah, LH's last two eps with her more vulnerble side were pretty great... I loved the first two too... I seriously almost cry when LH goes "Apologies are just words" (Some variation of) and walks off...

hhunter I thought of your icon when I saw the promo for the eppie by the way...