Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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*waves to Arturle

Believe me Arturtle I'm praying very, very hard.

I've heard the OC will only be filming 16 eps and this is probably the final year so . . . who knows what will happen?

Pray hard LHG fans.

totally praying hard
another favorite line from Slaves..
Greg is the one who actually said it...
"It's all the rage now.. It's Liquid Latex"
and the look on Grissom's face.. was priceless
Ok, Catherinesmyidol, I'm looking at you :)
because Pirates was on last night
and that scene in the interrogation room when he is trying to figure out what happened to Zoe.. AWESOME man,
I stand by my words where he probably tried really hard not to reach out his hand to her, to comfort her in some way
but you could see it in their eyes
hers were not as cold ( she was still pissed but she looked at him) and his eyes at hers

What's everyone else's take?
Hey Arturtle! Good to see you back in here. :)

I agree with you, Heather, that scene was awesome!! The scene in the garage, when Grissom is walking to his car, that's one of my favorites too.

I wish he would've comforted her in some way, a hug or even something like saying, "Is there anything I can do?". Something besides stoppping her at the end would have been great. I love the end of Pirates, but I think we should complain to TPTB. Not continuing with what happened after really damaged how much I like the show.

They need to get their act together and bring Heather back. That's all there is to it. :lol:
I had no idea they were going to air that ep. :eek:
I love watching NCIS and The Unit but was surprise, and what a very sweet surprise watching POTTR again. :p

If only there was another half-hour added . . . . imagine. :(

I love what she had to say about her daughter . . .

LADY HEATHER: You would have liked Zoe. She was a lot like you. Thoughtful, pragmatic, patient. :D

I love the look on Grissom's face and her little smile as she handed him the baggie.

Ooooh how I wish there was more. :D

TMTB can't leave us hanging? :mad:

I loved that line too about her daughter
and she called him "GRISSOM" not the usual Mr. Grissom that she has before.
I was surprised too when I saw it on last night too :D
I LOVED THE END TOO! I really does make you believe that there is/was/should be more to their story
maybe you ladies will have better luck with TPTB, they don't seem to listen to me :rolleyes: ;)
So the next ep of LH is Oct. 15 on Spike with Lady Heather's Box. :D

I wish Spike would put them in order and show SoLV then LHB and finally POTTR. Wouldn't that be cool. :D

Wasn't that sweet, calling him Grissom. :p

OOOHH don't get me started on Lady Heather's BOX
some fabulous lines came out of LHB :) not to mention
THEM, their attraction for each other... NICE :)
Just the looks they gave each other speak VOLUMES on how they feel... there.. just getting you warmend up
When is it on again? Sunday? I'M THERE!
Whew! I get to watch LHB since Nascar will be on Saturday nite.

Yay for me. :D I had no idea CSI was showing on Sundays. Since when? :rolleyes: Well . . . it's not like I watch Spike tv all the time. :lol:

Some more fave quotes from SoLV:

LADY HEATHER: Sex pays a lot better than death.

LADY HEATHER: What you see and what I feel are two different things.

LADY HEATHER: Another happy customer.

SpikeTV is now showing CSI and CSI NY on Sunday nights
and WPRMW, do you know the 'power' speech? that is my new favorite line from Slaves, beside the liquid latex one

Grissom: Lady Heather, you're an anthropolgist
Maybe you know this but in a magazine there is a rather sexy pic of Melinda Clarke. From behind showing a lot of skin. The only thing she is wearing are heels, a necklace and tight underpants. Nice to see a woman who is not incredible skinny.
That sounds nice, and yeah it really is.

hey! what my NCIS do? :p They didn't do anything, that I know of. lol.

So where do you see Gil/LH 10 yrs from now.
In 10 years?
Retired let's hope Grissom will retire in 10 years :eek:
and Lady Heather? Do you really think she could let the dominion go?
just living quietly somewhere watching the sunset...
that's my romatic side coming out ;)
iheartnickcath said:

So where do you see Gil/LH 10 yrs from now.

Hmmmm . . . Heather and Gil 10 yrs from now? Let's see.

We know Grissom will be 60 in 10 years. :eek: And Heather between 48 - 50? :eek: No doubt still gorgeous.

In my world, Gil would have retired years ago from the LVPD. Tired of dealing with death he decides to be among the Living. :D
Grissom marries Heather. Both end up touring the world for a couple of years before settling down somewhere in California. And live happily ever after.
The End.

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