Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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any thoughts and comments
I know ya'll (to quote Nicky ;)) watched last night!

here's a good line

Brass: I'm glad to see things haven't changed around here
hhunter said:
any thoughts and comments
I know ya'll (to quote Nicky ;)) watched last night!

I always thought this scene was very interesting:

(NICK works the computer. He hits some keys. The screen changes. NICK squints
at what he sees. GRISSOM leans in closer to the monitor. The computer beeps.
NICK stifles a grin and clears his throat. He glances up at GRISSOM.)

Nick knew something was going on between the two. :lol: Even Cat and Jim. :lol: Grissom was trying to be sneaky.

I love Grissom and Lady H, she just challenges him in all the right ways. And they have such amazing chemistry when they are on screen together. She just seems to know the right buttons to hit.
AMEN, and welcome to the thread Maiel
they do have INCREDIBLE chemistry YYYUUUMMMMYYY!
he is very much 'at one with her'
and was instantly attracted... and probably still is :)
Welcome Maiel. :D Please feel free to post anytime about the Sexiest couple on CSI! :D

I think Gil will always be attracted to the Lady no matter what. :p
And vice-versa. :D

Let's say she invites Gil to a Halloween party, what would they wear? :rolleyes:

Welcome Maiel!

Did Gil ever give her back that mask? hehe well saying that he didn't, I say he would wear that, showing up. Who knows maybe she throws the mask type of parties.
Heads up everyone..
Spiketv is having CSI sunday THIS sunday and Slaves of Las Vegas will be showing
I'm not sure what time but it's a chance to see
'how it all began'

Another good Brass line from Slaves

Brass: "so there is nothing illegal going on here right?"

To your question WP..
I think there is a story like this over at Lady Heather's Dominion...
( sorry .. had too!) :eek: :devil:
Ooh thanks for the heads up H! :D

It really is, how it all began. Very cute, really. It's a very nice ep for me all around. hehe, oh shuddaup yall know you liked the Cath/nick scenes.

A nun and priest? LMAO!
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Let's say she invites Gil to a Halloween party, what would they wear? :rolleyes:

I was thinking Gil would go as a zombie. :lol: And Heather would wear her normal leather attire. My thinking is that it's the one time of the year can tell people her what she is (AKA her job) and they won't look at her like she's weird. It's not weird that I planned all this out, it is? :lol:

I can't wait to watch Slaves! Hmm... for some reason the guide is showing me that it's on tonight. :confused: Either way, whenever it's on, I'll be happily watching it. :D
you are right, I thought it was on Sunday
my fault
oh well
we still can see how it all began
and I thought about her wearing her leather too, but somehow after last night's episode
the priest thing jumped at me :) :eek:
Ok I've now got an image of Gil in leather...

I think a mask ball/party would be Lady H's thing. I can see Gil dressed up quite smartly, maybe a suit and one of those gold colored masks.
A Nun and a Priest. :devil: I never would have thought of that. Very interesting. :lol:

My god, there are so many possibility with Gil and Heather. Because they are a fun and sexy couple.
I'm going to give it some more thought. :D

It's been sooooooooo great watching LH eps on Spike.
God we need more. More, more, more . . . :p

Boycotting CSI because all the cool kids are doing it.

I love that quote Catherinesmyidol hmmmm I must be a cool kid then.


Okay, I given some thought on a halloween costume for the two. :D

The first one has to do with Vegas. :)
Let's say they go to a fun and not so serious party. So they come as a pair of dice. See that's fun.
I couldn't resist after see that ideal in a magazine. :D

The second one would be this I just watch POTO last night and if they went to a serious party then the two could go as The Phantom and Christine. :D God I love watching that movie.

I posted a song from the soundtrack of the movie in the song thread. I just love that song. :p


you are funny :lol:
I love the Phantom of the Opera
and I could actually see Gil and Lady Heather as the Phantom and Christine because that is who she really loved
hhunter said:
you are funny :lol:
I love the Phantom of the Opera

That is funny.
I thought I'd give them the Lucky Seven number.
I should have made them with red dice.

I just love watching the Phantom of the Opera. :p And if I had to choose a costume for both, it would be that. :D

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