Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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yes they are, and someone needs to write another one
quoth_the_raven wrote an excellent one but we need another
don't you think?
who's up for it?
I agree, quoth's fic was awesome! I suppose I could try writing one. I have 8 or so done on my account and another 3 or so on my livejournal. I'll post the links, but first I just want to check. Is there a limit to how many links we can have in one post?
WOW you are busy writing, I'm working on a Catherine/Det. Vartann fic( I know ,different ship :) ) and I'm not sure about the link question , maybe the mod's would know :) but I have thought about it.. a one shot fic.. set in Lady Heather's Box about what really happened between the time we saw them and the next morning
iheartnickcath said:

hhunter *waves* Haven't seen you in awhile. Dudes, wheres WP??

Howdy everyone!

I'm visiting family and finally have a chance to check in. :D
I even miss SoLV too. :( Yeah right, like I don't have it. :lol: :lol:

Since I don't write fanfics, I'll leave it up to you guys. :D

See ya. :D

LLLH/GG: Long Live Lady Heather/Gil Grissom

Enjoy your family WP ,
I'm off to watch Slaves I know it was on last night but I haven't seen it yet.. again ;)
and we have Adzix back too
Adrix I almost didn't recognize you there!
yeah, went GSR. i betrayed i know :lol: but i wasn't here for so long, and i came, posted that bann, and i felt that i missed you guys and that i'm still a huuuge GLH supporter! :D gotta love the two of them together! so yeah, i guess you've got me back :D

and i totally loved the fanfic! it was great! *sigh* old G/LH times *sniff*
Adzix is back!
so tell then after watching Slaves...
didn't you just love his body language when they were having tea? We know that he was "into her" but I wasn't sure about her until she was serving him tea and she said she selected the china for him. And when she was talking about his sex life.. that part was too funny..:lol:

LH: "In my experience Mr. Grissom some men go to the theater and some men are the theater. "
AAAHHH too good !
Re:Links I don't think theres a limit on them, just as long as their not NC-17.. you'd have to PM those, but other then that, unless Fogs or Kimmy says something different. but I don't think theres a limit. I know there is pics, but I don't think links.

Re: hhunter Wow I didn't know you liked C/V. But alrighty then :p

Re: WP I will completely miss you and have fun with your family! :D

Re: Adzix Its cool that your a GSR too. :D But we're glad your back here!
Re:Links I don't think theres a limit on them, just as long as their not NC-17.. you'd have to PM those, but other then that, unless Fogs or Kimmy says something different. but I don't think theres a limit. I know there is pics, but I don't think links.

I know that some other forums here at TalkCSI do impose a limit on the number of links you can include in a post, but here in SC, we've never imposed a limit. Just, you know, don't get silly and post huge numbers of links - there's such a think as overloading people with too much stuff to look at, you know? (If people were to start posting a huge number of links, we'd have to rethink things and perhaps consider adding a limit here.)

And, as ihnc said, just don't link to anything that is rated higher than PG-13, or any copyrighted material, such as clips, interviews, fan vids, etc.

WillowsWannaBe said:
iheartnickcath said:
She knew. She just didn't tell you :lol:
That's not right ;) She shares everything with me :D :D ;)

..Sure she does... and I'm the Queen of CSI.. Do you see my crown? Nope. Then that means she don't share. la la la... ooh look Gil kissed LH.
..Because your weird and random sometimes??... :lol: But .. I am the Queen of CSI. Suckers! :devil: .. and yeah didn't you see Gil kiss LH?
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