Gil and Lady Heather #5 - Soul Mates

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i really liked the pottr's last scene, but it was once again too short!! i couldn't believe they ended it in that moment!!for us, G/LH shippers, it's just torture give us some solid G/LH next time please!!!

I know what you mean. I was so excited to see that scene, but I wanted more.
dragonqueen05 said:
i really liked the pottr's last scene, but it was once again too short!! i couldn't believe they ended it in that moment!!for us, G/LH shippers, it's just torture give us some solid G/LH next time please!!!

I know what you mean. I was so excited to see that scene, but I wanted more.

I always want more, but I think that's what makes this ship so popular; there's so much that happens behind the scenes and is left up to our (incredibly active) imaginations. If LH showed up every show and her and Grissom always ended up copulating like bunnies I would get extremely tired of it. I don't know about anyone else.
act_of_passion said:
I always want more, but I think that's what makes this ship so popular; there's so much that happens behind the scenes and is left up to our (incredibly active) imaginations. If LH showed up every show and her and Grissom always ended up copulating like bunnies I would get extremely tired of it. I don't know about anyone else.

hahahahahhaha :lol: :lol: you are so right!! :lol: "copulating like bunnies", that was just too funny :) well, i think they should show at least a kiss. that would be so cute ;)
iheartnickcath said:
What's your favorite G/LH moment?

When Gil gently puts both hands on Heather's face. His voice is incredibly sexy.

Sooo sweeeeet!!!

When Gil gently puts both hands on Heather's face. His voice is incredibly sexy.

That was a great scene! *points to my banner* One of the best between them.

I'm going to have to agree with act_of_passion. If Gil and LH were constantly together it wouldn't be as good. But I would like to see her back to the show a little more. Or mentions of her every once in awhile would be good too. Instead of going to some confrence, Gil could take off to spend a weekend with LH ;) Just a briefe mention, someone askes where Grissom went to and someone else responding. Just a few seconds devoted to the ship! And I'd *squee* like a fangirl :lol:
yeah, but they were together only once!! and for like five minutes of screen time!!! i agree, CSI shouldn't become a soap oprah, it would be fatal for the show, but they should put some more hints on the lifes of the characters. just a little. and, grissom in particular :D with LH of course :)
its weird to see lady heather appearing every episode.Imagine Grissom going to the dominion every week.It would be entitled "CSI:Grissom and The Dominatrix" instead of CSI.:lol: :lol: I agree she should be appearing more often on CSI,but too often kills the show.Seeing her 3-4 times on a season makes me a happy shipper :D
oh, yeah. 3-4 times a season would be perfect!!! :D for example she calling griss to his office or when he goes back home after tough case (she could even help him a little with some cases!) that would definitely make me happy :D
Hey, guys, I'm new here. I've been on the Sandle thread and I just figured if Sara's gonna get Greg then Griss needs Lady Heather. So what are you guys doing on here?
well hello araSgerG !! :) nice to have you here!! ;) (you're from arkansas?? i'm in louisiana now, i spent my easter break in arkansas though :) )

what do we do? we discuss T-4-2 of course :D :lol: and we still have hope for LH to come back again!!!
Welcome araSgerG. I'm pretty new myself. And as Adzix said, it's all G/LH lovin' in here :)
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