Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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ok, more

Gil: I'll take Catherine angry ( I love it when she's angry)

Cath: I'll take Gil when he's satisfied ( I have to appease him somehow ;) )

Erica you are right, this game is fun :D
hey ladies, feels like ive been away forever! PC broke but got a laptop today for uni so, WOO! Missed you guys. Missed my PJ.

HOT pics Kissy, much appreciated. :D Loverly.

Ok I must get into the smut convo, it's only natural.

Gil: I'll take Catherine anywhere. *walks away innocently*

Ok so scenes we'd like to see in S8. A fight and a make up scene. Gil explaining himself to the team. Saying sorry to Cath for neglecting thier friendship for the past year. And of course, bring back that fun, flirty, friendship we used to have.
Hehe, I got one...

Cath: I'll take Gil to teach him a lesson ;)

Welcome back, ams. Missed you! And I'm with you about bringing back the friendship. As long as they bring that back, I'm a happy camper :D
yes yes yes,
bring back the fun, flirty, sexy friendship between our favorite CSI's.

They need each other ;)

got another

Cath: I'll take Gil and some silk... :devil:
Snigger, I like this game. I bet they do too :devil:

They need each other, and not just in the relationship lovey dovey sense either, just bring back that friendship. They're suppost to be best friends right, now, if i'd of had as little contact with one of my best friends within the last year i'd bring it up! Jeez just make them talk again at least! [/rant]

Gil: I'll take Catherine in my office. Mwhahaha.

OT - I'm off to Spain tnite sooo, i'll be gone for a weekish. Back on 13th.
Ooh good one h!

Gil: I'll take Cath with sugar.

So, where IS everyone?? Wakey wakey! I'm gonna host a party on the good ship PureJoy!
Woohoo, I'm totally there! Here looky, I brought balloons! :]

*waves to ams* Spain? So jealous... See you in a week!

Purejoy rocks!
I think you said the magic words Drumchik Party :p
I just got home, but I'm game if you're bringing the drinks :D

Cath: I'll take Gil if he keeps his beard
Gil: I'll take Cath with her red hair
I'm here, yo! I was without net for two days and I missed you guys so much! :D Ah I see everyone loves the game. Goodie. :devil: We shall continue hehe.

Gil: I'll take Cath with whipped cream.

*whistles and walks away*
Hey Erica welcome back.. so, where's the party?
he he he

Gil: I'll take Cath in the tub
Cath: I'll take Gil in the shower
Gil: I'll take Cath undressed.

Wow, you say party and everyone turns up! LOL

So, let's have brownies at the party - and don't mind Gil and Cath off in the corner making out. They're acting out the game ;)
Hehe let's party then. *gives everyone brownies* And you can get extra brownies if you come up with a good "I'll take..." :lol:

Cath: I'll take Gil with beard.

Btw Anne and I made another video together. It's titled Cherry Pie and you can find it on my YouTube channel. :D
lol party time, huh? :lol: i like it! This thread is always so much fun!

Gil: I'll take Catherine's tush.

Cath: I'll take Gil with or without a hairy chest.
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