Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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GraveyardIntern said:
^^ Burden of Proof, what else, kissmesweet? :lol: We all know the name of that episode. (Lifting your head from the microscope is very important)

Uh....have you guys been reading the articles about Jorja's return? Because...looks like she's not going to come back...the exec Lettiman said that the GSR was going to be resolved (AKA dead) and that would be kind of hard to do with an alive Sara. They're also looking for a new cast member and hints are that she/he will replace Jorja on the show.
Yay! S8 looks like a season of PureJoy!!!
Great pic Kissmesweet -great name btw- :D

I love their faces and their eyes are almost the same color.

I'm still a hold out for the spoilers, meaning I'll believe it when I see it.
But Hopefully we can get more C/G action
Definitely. I mean...unless they were specific spoilers about specific moments in specific episodes (in other words, really specific) I'm inclined to just keep it in mind but not worry about it too much. Although the recent news about Jorja is getting me restless and wanting to know more, I don't think I should either get my hopes too high or too low pending on the news. I'm just sort of telling everyone what the newest articles on the 'net or on the media say about the subject so that we're sort of with the times and are able to gain insight. (this turned into a sort of philosophical post rather than the usual fangirl "omfg purejoy rocks" type post). My apologies.
LOL I'm taking all these spoilers and articles/rumors with a grain of salt. Since there isn't any official announcement yet, I try not to speculate anything. I do hope the canon ship will come to an end, but I sure don't want to see Sara die. However, if Jorja is leaving, I doubt they'll have Sara live since character death always cause the most drama. :rolleyes: To be frank, I don't really care about how they end it (if they do end it, that is) as long as Sara doesn't die. I just want them to bring the old Cath/Gil back.

Oh btw, BTA is hosting the 2007 PureJoy Video Awards. Everyone can submit their favorite fan videos, and we've got really great prizes. :D For more information, you can go to BTA or the graveshiftcsi LJ. :)
EricaSJ said:
LOL I'm taking all these spoilers and articles/rumors with a grain of salt. Since there isn't any official announcement yet, I try not to speculate anything. I do hope the canon ship will come to an end, but I sure don't want to see Sara die. However, if Jorja is leaving, I doubt they'll have Sara live since character death always cause the most drama. :rolleyes: To be frank, I don't really care about how they end it (if they do end it, that is) as long as Sara doesn't die. I just want them to bring the old Cath/Gil back.

Oh btw, BTA is hosting the 2007 PureJoy Video Awards. Everyone can submit their favorite fan videos, and we've got really great prizes. :D For more information, you can go to BTA or the graveshiftcsi LJ. :)

Catherine: I take Gil with salt and pepper curls...

Hmm, that probably wasn't appropriate.

GO nominate! Because GC is hot.

BTW, did I post something in here about the GC Shipper Fanfic Awards? It's voting time! DO IT!

And while you are doing that...GC can go play :devil:
Drumchik that is totally appropriate :D

I'd take Grissom with Salt and pepper curls - Now is that appropriate? :lol:

I really don't put much stock in spoilers anyway and I don't spend much time on the spoiler thread
I do forsee some good C/G moments
some retrobution maybe???
hhunter said:
Drumchik that is totally appropriate :D

I'd take Grissom with Salt and pepper curls - Now is that appropriate? :lol:

I really don't put much stock in spoilers anyway and I don't spend much time on the spoiler thread
I do forsee some good C/G moments
some retrobution maybe???

Ooh! ooh! Catherine tells Gil to kiss her ass. How's that for a good season? :devil:
I swear it was you gals that dragged me into the gutter, again. :lol: How about this...

Gil: I'll take Catherine with... *the rest is above the PG-13 meter* :devil:

Talk is allowing fan videos again. Yay! There's a thread for vids in Shipper Central. Go there and pimp your Cath/Gil videos! *eyes Anne* :lol:
EricaSJ said:
I swear it was you gals that dragged me into the gutter, again. :lol: How about this...

Gil: I'll take Catherine with... *the rest is above the PG-13 meter* :devil:

Talk is allowing fan videos again. Yay! There's a thread for vids in Shipper Central. Go there and pimp your Cath/Gil videos! *eyes Anne* :lol:

What are you eying ME for? You're the one that does all the good videos! LOL

Gil: I'll take Catherine with chocolate sauce please.
Nah, you know I love your videos, Anne. Plus I've already posted in the fan vid thread. ;) Hey I'm liking this I'll take Catherine/Gil with... idea. Are we going to continue with it or what? :lol:
EricaSJ said:
Nah, you know I love your videos, Anne. Plus I've already posted in the fan vid thread. ;) Hey I'm liking this I'll take Catherine/Gil with... idea. Are we going to continue with it or what? :lol:

You mean like this:

Gil: I'll take Catherine to go. :devil:
ooo I got one

I'll take Catherine to Lady Heather's (ok, you know I just had to ;) )

I'll take Catherine... back to my place..

Ok, now this is going to be hard to keep PG too you know :devil:
hhunter said:
ooo I got one

I'll take Catherine to Lady Heather's (ok, you know I just had to ;) )

I'll take Catherine... back to my place..

Ok, now this is going to be hard to keep PG too you know :devil:

Us? Going above the PG line? I don't know where you'd get an idea like that! :devil:

Gil: I'll take Catherine for a ride...
Yepeee Nesting Grillows!!!
Sorry to read ur conversation over there ^^ but me likes the sound of that... :devil:
Grillows all the way!! :cool:
Welcome MrsWillows
it's fun here :D gets a little silly and a little *achemadultachem* but it's a great place to hang out ;)

Ok, got more
I'll take Gil with the beard... to stay please
I'll take Cath against the wall... :devil: ;)
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