Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

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Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

I think that Grissom will be proud of Catherine because she's showing pity and compassion to a tormented soul heheheh. See she's extra nice to Mike cuz even though he always has this smug face and deadpan expression, Cath (and the viewers) could sense that he's troubled. That's how I see it, heh. :D
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

So totally looking forward to Mike vs. Gil. I think it's going to be totally intense. :lol: They're both Catherine fans, right? :D But I guess you could call it a clash of two types of CSIs. Grissom's the more conventional (we only do evidence) CSI whereas Keppler's willing to try new things, which is probably why Catherine's taken a liking to him (in my opinion).

In the trailer, I saw that Keppler was going to be treated as a suspect. I feel that Catherine and Grissom are going to have a little argument over how they're going to treat the case. Catherine's going to be feeling for Mike, whereas Gil would try to be completely neutral, and obviously he wouldn't have incentive to be otherwise. I feel a G/C fight coming on. Might be just me though. :p I've never really been right about these things.

O Law of Gravity, where art thou?
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

WOOOOO - thanks for the piccy! Love it. Let's hope for more G/C eh?!

Is it just me or does anyone else love it when they fight?! I love how they make up a la -

Cath: Are we good?
Gil: We will be.

I love that, so, married like. Ahh if only eh gals.

And sorry to sound stoopid but what does OTP mean? Never heard that before.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In


OTP- One True Pairing

the couple that SHOULD be or is together

and yes G/C fight and make up like a married couple
I for one first thought they were either married or divorced when I first watched the show the way they were on and off with each other....

they have such a special relationship :D
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

I only hope it doesn't end like Weeping Willows. I mean, yay for some Cath/Gil confrontation, but I don't want them to fight all the time over people Catherine likes and Gil doesn't. It's childish. It seems like T_TB enjoy to put their relationship on the line, with this whole thing of "It's your fault" or "You are wrong". It's just SO childish, and we know they're not.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

OMG! So when Gil was writing the letter *barf* to Sara I kept screaming for him to write open the box! lol But I don't want the beard can he have it back already this is a horrifying injustice to that cute little adorable baby face of his. And I really think when Gil meets Keppler he's gonna be like 'Hi I'm Gil Grissom. Get off my shift and away from my lady!' But I really don't sense a GC fight coming I sense a total ass of Grissom coming, just like in Weeping Willows at the end...It's going to be a blood fest when he gets back and finds out what their up to. At least he opens the flippin' box...and totally investigates it with Cath. *jumps for joy* I also think that Gil is going to be mad with himself if something bad is up with Keppler for leaving the guys to babysit him especially Cath.

Oh and don't we need to come up with a thread title soon cause we usually need it by the 21st page...
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

^^No, you can hold off on the thread title suggestions for a have to get to 1000 posts (which is 25 pages). So, you don't need to worry about thread titles until you have around 900 posts. ;)
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

Well, yes ITA. G/C confrontations have gotten really childish, and it's mainly from Gil just being an ass about it. Another Weeping Willows? I hope not, although I did enjoy the angst in WW, I reallly don't want to see them fighting and "aggravating" , in a sense, their relationship even more still. I just want them to talk it out. Perhaps an angsty argument like the one in Early
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

Speaking of weeping willows and Gil...remember that picture catherine had on the counter of her house? I don't have a life so I spent some time trying to enhance it, then i put a piture of Gil, shrunk to that size beside it...and well I may be alone in this opinion but I'm sure the mystery man is Gil.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

*sigh* someone told me in the season 7 spoiler thread that cath and gil are not working the MSKC. Grissom and sara are working it...great. Don't know how accurate this info is, but its funny how they are promoting the eppy!
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

xfcanadian, ITA. T_TB have to use GC to promote eps because they know that's what the public wants...then the actual ep has maybe five gc seconds. That's what I call false advertising.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

Again? What, are we back in Built To Kill? I wonder if they'll be able to talk to each other seriously, somewhere, in this season.
No way, they don't get it, do they?
Once again they are abusing them being leading actors in promos, but not in the actual episodes.
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

They've used false advertising several times this season. I'm always happy to see some C/G promo photos, but I don't believe them anymore. :lol: Yeah. Me = pessimist. Then again, Catherine once said to expect the worst so you're never disappointed and sometimes you might be nicely surprised...which hasn't happened to me yet. :lol:
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

That picture does look a bit like Gil 27dayz. It wouldnt surprise me if she had a picture of Gil on her counter.

I agree I get a bit annoyed by the false G/C advertising of the eps, even though I like to be optimistic, I dont believe them anymore either. TPTB know that G/C sells the episodes, because they are the leads of the show, and the chemisry between them, be it work related or more than that, will get the viewers. But at least this way, we at least get A G/C scene per episode, and some lovely promos :)
Re:Gil <3 Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In

I agree
I think that is what draws viewers see Cath and Gil work a scene or at least talk to each other...
granted it has been different now that Billy went on a break but still...

and I think Hottie posted a promo picture a while back for Rashomoma and it had Grissom and Catherine in it and no one else... what would you as the viewer think of that episode
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