Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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LOL congrats rebec, it's your turn to post a new quote. :D *hands you hotdogs* And don't worry, getting him tied up sounds completely right to me. They've got silk, you know. :devil: Anyway I personally think the close-up of Cath's hands tying Gil's bowtie was almost erotic...almost. :D

Oh I remember talking about C/G bumps in Table Stakes a long time ago. They're waiting for the couple to finish their meal in a restaurant and Catherine accidentally bumps into Gil. I think that's one of the very classic C/G bumps. Hehe.

Again, what personal space? :D
^^Hey how come I don't remember that scene? I really have a poor memory :lol:

*takes hotdogs* It's been awhile :lol:

For me, the best part of the bowtie scene in Formalities is the dallies, those two looked so sweet in the pics, laughing and having fun. *sigh* How I wished gil and cath could have had fun like billy and marg did. :)

Personal space? That has never been an issue with these two :D
I cant believe i havent seen Table Stakes, i thought it was just Greg's head dress dance that i missed out on, but theres great g/c scenes too :( never mind, gives me an excuse to buy dvds :)

I loved the bowtie scene in Formalities, i think that Gil might have found it quite erotic, cos when she says 'im looking forward to your speech' he looks like he wants to respond but cant :lol:

Cath: Okay.Well, what do you like?
Gil: I like silent movies.

Is that from A Night At The Movies, season 3, when they are processing a crime at a movie theatre and they are talking about noir films.

Whats 'dallies'? :)
the quote comes from "A night at the movies".
Once the case is solved, Cath and Gil go watch a movie.ùShe asks him if the film is one of his favourites and he says it's not.
Then, your quote ^_^

Woah, my first quote:

Grissom: But I got water. We can share
Catherine: What are you today, Moses?

Edit: CSIAngel, we submitted together. If u want, u can choose the next quote, it's the same for me. U posted a bit earlier than me ;)
And my guess is the "dallies" are like the "behind the scenes"
No, its ok Dardeile go with your quote, its great ;)

Thanks for the dallies explanation, that makes sense :) ITA rebec, Marg and Billy looked like they were having a great time, i wish more of their off screen compatibility would transfer on screen :D
Hey Fra and CSIangel you've both got the right answer :D I know the answer of the new quote, but I'll let others have a go :)

CSIangel dallies are like the outtakes of a scene, if you haven't seen the outtake clip of formalities I suggest you go download it ( if I'm not wrong, BTA should have it), it's a must see! ;)

ETA: :lol: glad that you've already seen the clip, it was total purejoy :D
Re: the quote... Shooting Stars?
The second part of the quote ("What are you today? Moses?") is from this moment, when Gil moves off into the desert, assuming as is his usual habit that she'd be following him, whatever reservations she might have?

Thanks, Erica, for the cap ;)

About the chemistry that Marg and Billy share off-screen, we see it on-screen too... when TMTB aren't being morons and allow them to just be themselves.

Of course CSI is supposed to be a serious show, so the clowning about is toned down. But the sultryness of the Formalities outtakes does come through in the scene, despite the much editing. I loved the whole dailies video - the part where he takes her hand to admire her ring, and later when the both of them burst out laughing.

Ah Table Stakes! One of the very best GC episodes and a whole lot of fun too with Nick, Warrick and Greg. That's what I love best about it. Warrick in the pool, Greg's "Cool your jets, Cath." And Cath's "Nothing but skin." And Grissom's dropped jaw :lol:
kaylyne said:
This was cute. I was going through a huge stack of old newspapers that had been piling up and came across this from back in April:

It's no wonder Doc asked Cath about being in Gil's bathtub. I'm sure he received an invitation to their wedding.
OMG Thank you kaylyne for the ad. No wonder Rashomama got lots of viewers :D
Oooh how I wish we could have the press kit/original ad for that episode.. but they probably only released it to the accounts of the popular newspapers like usa today, new york post, etc.

And yep ren28 I think you got the answer right because I love that quote and that episode too.

Love Table Stakes too, I remember when Grissom and Catherine caught the couple doing the act, their cheeks went flushing. :lol:
Ren you got it right, it's from Shooting STars.
One of the best ep from season 6, actually.

About Table Stakes, i can't imagine which, Grissom's thoughts, could have been...I mean, he was next to Cath. and there he had a couple in the middle of...well, probably it seemed like a dream for him. i bet. :D
*Runs to watch Formalities dailies...again*

So uh, Nick was in the pool in LtSB and Warrick took a little swim in TS, why don't they ever make Grissom jump in?? I bet Catherine would like that. Who needs a bathtub when they have an entire swimming pool? Imagine how great the show would be if people like us were writing the script. I think that's just about the only thing they have not tried yet.
LMAO. My opinion on that Gil said...some things are better kept private. I mean I love half nekkid Nick and Warrick, and I definitely love nekkid Billy when he was younger, but I don't think I'd love to see a half nekkid Gil on TV now. (Don't hit me LOL) I mean he's not young anymore and his figure isn't as toned as it used to be (to me anyway). If I lived in the US, I'd probably switch channel and watch McSteamy instead. :D

I wonder if Cath and Gil have ever been caught in the act. :devil:
Well, so it's my turn to propose a quote now? How about this one:
GRISSOM: How many times have we been prevented from getting a warrant when we
knew we had the right guy?

CATHERINE: Way too many.

GRISSOM: Right. So rock and roll.

Dardelle said:
About Table Stakes, i can't imagine which, Grissom's thoughts, could have been...I mean, he was next to Cath. and there he had a couple in the middle of...well, probably it seemed like a dream for him. i bet. :D
... or a suggestion of a good way to spend the time post-case? :D Maybe Cath had the same idea too. Who knows? There's just so much to this couple that we are still ignorant about, like the tub business.

Which reminds me of a very funny fic I read sometime back about Gil injuring himself at a crime scene, in a tub, if I remember correctly. Does anyone know the title of that fic because I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
AWJ , you're right about the swimming pool (and why not a jaccuzzi) :lol:
Oh and I'd love to write the CSI' script too ! at least, viewers could enjoy a lot of C/G scenes with us :D
About the TS scene, I think that they have both the same idea in mind !!!

Ren , I've read this fic too but I can't remember the title either :(
I rememmber that too...:lol: But i'm completely blank on the name.

The quote is, too. :lol: I'm a bad shipper :D

E I agree. i think he's really hot, but naked...well, idk about that :D Maybe we should ask Cath, i bet she knows a lot more than us.
LOL I'll just say he's hot on a different level, but you're right, Fra. Cath knows bettern than any of us since they have both showered and bathed together, although I don't think shower and bath are the only things they do in the bathroom. :devil:

Oh girls, don't forget about the scene where Cath and Gil are checking out the music boxes in Portia's house. Catherine with a music box in her hands, Gil close behind her. I swear I can see electricity in the air LMAO. That's what I call sexual tension. :lol:
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