Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

Finally some pictures!!! Eric looks wild when he screams...I like it. But it's sad it looks like she's flatlining because the nurse is giving her CPR, I wonder what happens to the ghost of her at that moment in time? Oh man, April 19th come...but don't I have exams soon, lol.:lol:
I can't find larger pics of Ryan for episode 20 anywhere.:( If someone manages to find them,please post.
These are what I would like to see if they can be found.

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Oh Snap. I really, REALLY wish we could find the bigger version of those!!!

Maybe as the episode draws closer we'll see them... One can only hope!!
My hero, Greatfan!!! :D :D :D Just what I've been waiting for!!! THANK YOU!

I, for one, can not wait for this episode. I'm going out on a limb here, trusting that TPTB will NOT make it just like SGIYC..even though there are quite a few similarities. *sigh*

(THANKS AGAIN. Made my day. That pic is... hot! mmhmm!)
Thanks for the larger version of the Ryan pic, greatfan. :)

I also hope the ep isn't too similiar to the other ep... but I guess we'll see. :)
action figure Horatio to the rescue-battling the big fires-out of the comfort zone of the safety in the lab-haha