Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

On this last picture H. looks like he was actually choking Kyle ;)
I'm glad that this young actor is back despite of what we were told at the beginning of the season that he will not feature in S8. Maybe writers and producers listen to us after all :)
I'm glad that this young actor is back despite of what we were told at the beginning of the season that he will not feature in S8. Maybe writers and producers listen to us after all :)

Well, on some things at least. They're still not listening on other things like: we want more Valera! :lol: Or at least I do. :) I mean seriously, she's usually in at least 3 to 5 eps per season (if not more), yet this season she's only been on 1 ep and the rest of the time they have Natalia doing the DNA instead out in the field being a CSI like she's supposed to. :lol:
On this last picture H. looks like he was actually choking Kyle ;)
I'm glad that this young actor is back despite of what we were told at the beginning of the season that he will not feature in S8. Maybe writers and producers listen to us after all :)
TPTB and writers have very selective hearing.I'm still not going to give them a pat on the back,maybe a kick in the a**.
I'm glad that this young actor is back despite of what we were told at the beginning of the season that he will not feature in S8. Maybe writers and producers listen to us after all :)

Well, on some things at least. They're still not listening on other things like: we want more Valera! :lol: Or at least I do. :) I mean seriously, she's usually in at least 3 to 5 eps per season (if not more), yet this season she's only been on 1 ep and the rest of the time they have Natalia doing the DNA instead out in the field being a CSI like she's supposed to. :lol:

I agree! I want more Valera! :thumbsup:

I have to say, I really love the lab techs this season/last season. I've always liked Valera, but I've also really come to enjoy Dave and Travers. If there's some kind of cast shuffle next season (not saying there will be, but it's always a possibility, even if Adam wasn't returning full-time), I really, REALLY don't want them to leave. :(
I'm glad that this young actor is back despite of what we were told at the beginning of the season that he will not feature in S8. Maybe writers and producers listen to us after all :)

Well, on some things at least. They're still not listening on other things like: we want more Valera! :lol: Or at least I do. :) I mean seriously, she's usually in at least 3 to 5 eps per season (if not more), yet this season she's only been on 1 ep and the rest of the time they have Natalia doing the DNA instead out in the field being a CSI like she's supposed to. :lol:

I agree! I want more Valera! :thumbsup:

I have to say, I really love the lab techs this season/last season. I've always liked Valera, but I've also really come to enjoy Dave and Travers. If there's some kind of cast shuffle next season (not saying there will be, but it's always a possibility, even if Adam wasn't returning full-time), I really, REALLY don't want them to leave. :(

Totally agree! Leave our labrats as is! :) Valera, Dave and Travers are all awesome. I like Cynthia Wells (QD girl) as well and would like to see her more than once every two or three seasons. :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised if Boti Bliss (Valera) decided to move on.She really should be regular cast by now not a rarely recurring character.
I wish they would give us a lab rat ep. like they do on CSI Lv! I love those eps. they are usually so funny! Plus we get to know a little about the techs that we don't get to see quit as much!

By the way Dave is just way to hot for words yall! I love when they have him on the show! I think we need to have a naked Eric & Naked Dave flex off Eps. Maybe they could be undercover male strippers or something! lol! Anything to get their clothes off works for me ! Lol!


Haha with that hair, Dave could definitely pass as a Chip and Dale's dancer. :lol: I agree that we need a labrats ep on Miami. But I want one more like "Appendicitement" where its someone's birthday. I could see Ryan, Eric, Walter, Jesse, Dave, Valera and Natalia all "Kidnapping" Travers for a surprise birthday party. :lol: Of course with that many people, they'd have to get a bus or a mini-van or something. :lol:

Anyway, the pics of the ep with Kyle, I can't figure out what Horatio is doing with that bar thing? Is someone stuck under that debris or something?
Anyway, the pics of the ep with Kyle, I can't figure out what Horatio is doing with that bar thing? Is someone stuck under that debris or something?

There's a few more of these same shots/scenes at 'the place I cannot mention' :p and there seems to be a fire; H is trying to lift that *thing* with the stick/bar thingybobber while Kyle's trying to put the fire out with a hose. It doesn't show any bodies underneath, but it's the same scene/image where H is comforting Kyle, so I'm not quite sure what they find.

Looks like a good one. It'll be nice to see Kyle again. :thumbsup:
Ok i passed the word along to DC that we would love to have a Lab rats ep like they do on Lv. He gave me a thumbs up on that so maybe he will put a bug in the writers ear for us! might be next season but maybe we'll get lucky! We did get lucky with a cross over this season so maybe its time for the rats to shine!
I don't know how to do it so can someone please post the pictures from Backfire. They are on CBS press express. There are two hot ones of Jon! Thanks.