George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

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I saw pics of Will Farrell and Henry Winkler (The Fonz!) at the game, but none of George. Yet. :)
I'm sure George's family are okay. It's Belton near Dallas or Fort Worth, Texas? It hit Houston and other city that near the ocean. I didn't know Houston was near the ocean.

I hope I see the picture of George at the ball game.
Belton is closer to Waco which is closer to Dallas. If Belton got anything it would have been rain and wind only from the outer edges. If you look at this map Belton is close to Kileen which is near Temple. They are north of Austin.
Just a reminder...."Two and a Half Men" is rerunning the CSI episode with George tonight. :)
I dont really post in here full stop. Unsure why?

But yeah I like George, I like Nicky a lot, and by my icon/banner you all know why.

Every time I watch George on youtube, he just cracks me up no end.:guffaw:
Just a reminder...."Two and a Half Men" is rerunning the CSI episode with George tonight. :)

I don't usually watch this show b/c every joke is about sex, but how does one resist George in a suit? So I watched tonight. It was funny (esp Charlie's joke about "Catherine"'s tank top . . . Is that police issue? :guffaw:), but I wish there would've been more of Georgie :)

Man, that's good suit porn.
You know I thought it was a funny episode. But I really would've loved to actually see Marg and George as Catherine and Nick, doing the actual case.

Yeah I know, the guys live in LA, but come on, they could've come with a reason for them to be there.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it would've been funnier. Especially the "police issue" comment. I could see Catherine reaching over the table and smacking him right across the face. :guffaw:
You know I thought it was a funny episode. But I really would've loved to actually see Marg and George as Catherine and Nick, doing the actual case.

Yeah I know, the guys live in LA, but come on, they could've come with a reason for them to be there.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think it would've been funnier. Especially the "police issue" comment. I could see Catherine reaching over the table and smacking him right across the face. :guffaw:

I would have liked to see that too - especially since it would've been fun to see Marg and George get to crack a couple of one-liners and actually get some laughter.

What they *should've* done is flown everyone to Vegas. Lots of people go to Vegas to get married, it would've worked.

<-- should totally go write for the show . . . .
So, I was just doing a news search on George and saw this at EW

I'm at work and they've blocked youtube, so I can't see what clip it is, but I'll check it out at home. It was one of the best buried alive scenes. I'm going to have to agree with that. So, I thought I'd share.

You can never have enough George/Nick news.
Yeah I would agree with the writer, that was probably one of the best 'buried alive' scenes'. George gave such a gut-wrenching performance! A
Even though GD was a sad ep (I don't like to see my guys hurt), he did a great job in the ep. When he started screaming after realizing he was locked in and underground. Powerful stuff...
Here's an interview with CM, NS, George, and Billy Petersen from (according to the person who put up the original link it's an interview that is exclusive the the site). Since you have to be a member to see it Ricker23 over on YourTaxDollarsatWork put it up on youtube. :) George is somewhere around half way through. Right after NS. I'll be putting 3 caps from it over in The Ward. :)


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blackflag thanks for the link :) I wish George would not tone down his accent when he plays Nick. It is so nice. I'm sure when he comes home to visit his friends they comment about him not having an accent. Yeah I know George you can't win :D
Yeah I love his accent, it's very cool..I love accents though..all kinds of them..

And I agree with George, it would have been nice to have had a scene with Nick and Sara, but it never worked out that way. Such as life..
I'm guessing it's not George's idea. I'm guessing the producers tell him to tone it down - they like to keep things as "white America" as possible. That's probably not the best way to say it . . . but you know what I'm gettin' at.

Daddy's Little Girl was just on - my heart just broke for Nick :( Walter Gordon - dead! His co-conspirator, dead! Damn you, Grissom! :angryrazz: It's not "good"!! :brickwall:

No justice for my Nicky! :scream:
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