George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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Hey all!

Been like forever since I last posted. Sorry for that, what can I say, you all know. Life get's a little busy, what can I say? Other than I love this site.

Ok, it's mindless and has nothing to do with the discussion, just a thought...

It’s Friday!!!!!!

Did you ever notice how the word Friday sounds so much better than...say: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday?

I mean: Monday sounds…mundane; Tuesday gives false hope, it sounds like only two days till the weekend, but that’s not true; Wednesday, may be hump day, but honestly, if it were a great day of the week, why would it have such a weird spelling. Then comes Thursday; the day of the week that says: you’re almost through with the week...almost. It sounds hopeful, but it’s false hope.

Ahhhh...but then comes Friday. The word just tumbles off the lips. It caresses the teeth with a whisper of smooth air. It’s breathless, sensual, never without hope.

Ffriiiiiday…It speaks of fun, relaxation, yet anticipation. Could you imagine the last day of the work week called Wednesday? Ahhhhh…Wwweeeedneday…not the same ring.


I think God had a master plan in naming the weekdays.

That is my random thought for the day, for what it’s worth….

Aren't you glad I stopped by with such a useless anticdote?

What can I say the mind wanders sometimes and this is what I come up with...

Anyway, have a breathless weekend, hope you find an ahhhhhhh moment. That's what makes it all worthwhile.

KFK it's nice that you popped in but where is your talk about Nick or George? Make sure you put something about them in your post or your post could be considered spam.
well if we cant see the actual tattoo...i'm quite fine with that. leaves more to the our imagination...hmmmm getting a nicky mental always good! :D
i cant see a tattoo at all, but im not very observant anyways :lol:

does anyone else read the shopaholic book series? they are making a movie, i think combining several books and moving it from britain to new york city. but, the male love interest is not cast yet (at least as far as imdb says). the leading male is handsome, a successful business man, dark haired, chiseled features and a nice body. hmmm...who could play that i wonder?? i think george would be perfect for luke brandon (the characters name) and i cant think of anyone better. i bet someone else will be cast though, and it just wont be the same.

thought id share :)
Maple I have read all of those books, and I think GE would be GREAT in that movie. Only thing is I can't really picture him with a British accent!! :lol:
McStokes said:
Maple I have read all of those books, and I think GE would be GREAT in that movie. Only thing is I can't really picture him with a British accent!! :lol:

I haven't read these books but they do sound interesting. If GE won't fit the accent then I say we move the setting of these books to someplace that will fit that lovely Texas drawl. Now the thing to do is to convince GE to do the part. As we've all read it doesn't sound like he will take on any other project while CSI is still going strong.
Oh, girls, I'm so excited. I just read this on TV Guide and if this strike possibly ending this week, we might get our Nicky as soon as this spring.

I posted this in the Strike thread too.

TV Guide said that established shows might produce more episodes for this spring.

Let's hope this is true
McStokes said:
Only thing is I can't really picture him with a British accent!! :lol:

the movie isnt set in london england :p theyve moved it to new york city for some reason, a lot of fans of the book are ticked off because theyve changed so much.

if they are changing all that they could certainly make luke a texan who hit it big in the world of public relations and moved his firm to new york... it would be a crime to have george in a roll without that souther drawl :lol:
Oh no it's Tuesday night and we're about to drop to the second page :eek:

So what shall we discuss. Desertwind asked a question in the Ward that might be interesting to ask here. What colour hair do we think Nick's girlfriend might have. Also what do you think she would be like. I think a school teacher or a social worker might be in order of Nick. As to colour of hair how about brown with a smattering of grey streaks :lol:
Lets see, being this is hollywood, she'll probably be a blonde. :rolleyes: Not that I have anything against blondes. Though I'm thinking auburn hair would be best, you know, like me. :lol: In all seriousness though, I really think she should be a brunette or auburn (red/brunette). I think it would be more credible. Especially, if she is going to be someone whose beauty comes from within. Not that a blonde doesn't have beauty within, just, I don't know, I can't see Nick with a blonde. Sorry :( I hope I didn't offend anyone.

Ok, what if we know what she'll be already? He has spilled the beans you know. :D

But, yea, along those lines of a teacher or social worker. Maybe someone in his line of work, but not the exact same line of work, you know? The social worker would fit that.
Jacquie said:
As to colour of hair how about brown with a smattering of grey streaks :lol:

I'm with you on that one, Jacquie! :D He needs a mature, experienced (<ahem>) woman.
Rock out for the social worker!
Gee can you tell what I do for a living? I'm not prejudiced or anything. :)
But I do think it'd be a good fit, and GE did say there was a plot in the works pre-strike.

And every social worker deserves to come home to a handsome sweet Texan gentleman after a crazy day at work (from my lips to God's ears!) :D
Smokey said:
Jacquie said:
As to colour of hair how about brown with a smattering of grey streaks :lol:

I'm with you on that one, Jacquie! :D He needs a mature, experienced (<ahem>) woman.

Yes a mature woman will definitely be able to teach the young pup something :devil: :lol:

Now talking about professions how about a small business owner needing the charms and soothing hands of a certain Texan to help with the sore muscles after having to deal with unruly bags of dog food, cat food and cat litter all day :D
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