George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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So over at TV Guide they have the 10 things you need to know about "Lying Down with dogs". It talks about how they did the fight scenes with the dogs and stuff. I submitted it to CSI Files, so hopefully, they'll post it.

Check it out. Just do a search for CSI, it should be the first news item listed.

Ok, I'm getting a little too excited, because this strike could be over by this Saturday. I hope so, because CSI just might be able to get a couple more new episodes before the season is over. Unless, of course, the opt to wait.

*slaps self*
remember positive thinking. There will more new episodes this season, there will be more new episodes this season, there will be.....
So Thursday night is upon us which means no new episodes of CSI :mad: but at least we have old episodes to discuss. So tonight it's Pledging Mr Johnson. It took me a while to figure out what this title meant :rolleyes: I wonder if GE was able to contribute anything to the script about his experience in a fraternity. I some how have to wonder about Nick's comment about walking around with a fish in his pocket for a week if GE did anything like that :lol: Nick seemed really disgusted with the whole attitude of the people in the fraternity. You kill someone because they got a private part signed by a girl friend of one of the members. I liked the end when he told the boys that big shot lawyer dad wasn't going to help them here.
jacquie said:
I some how have to wonder about Nick's comment about walking around with a fish in his pocket for a week if GE did anything like that
I'd like to know too.

Ok, I'm sorry, but I think the whole fraternity thing is ridiculous. I know it's a whole brotherhood thing, but somewhere it, I think, lost it's meaning. I think the things these guys have to do to be initiated is ridiculous too.

Ok, Nick explained it in Pledging Mr. Johnson, but please. Especially, when it's all just hazing anyways. No matter how illegal hazing is, you know it's still going on.

But, yea, I think Nick definitely was disgusted about it. The guy humilates the pledger in front of everyone, numerous times and then when the table was turned, he has to kill the kid? And if there is one thing I can't stand are these rich spoiled brats. I can do anything I want, daddy will take of it. Then this kid thinks it's funny.

Let's be thankful that Nick didn't turn out that way. :lol:

Ok, here's the other thing I'm wondering, Nick said his leg was numb from that fish, hmmmm I wonder what else, well, I'll leave that up to you.

The expression on Nick's face when the coroner showed them what was written on this boy was priceless. I loved Sara: You want to take a look at it? Nick: No, no I'm pretty sure I know what it's about. Of course, that's not word for word, but I got a laugh out of that.
Pledging Mr. Johnson, was the first episode that I noticed that "Nick" or GE had a Texas accent. I started noticing it in this episode that when ever he is trying to get someone to "give it up" his accent gets deeper. At first I just started laughing at it but I liked it too.

As for the frat thing, personally it all seems kind of foolish to me, and I have never worked that hard at fitting in with anyone (in my own mind I always had the philosophy that if you have to jump through so many hoops to get people to accept you they obviously don't really want me around and I always make it a habit to stay away from people who don't want me around.) But then again the only thing I have done in my entire life that "everyone was doing" is watch CSI.

I like the disgust Nick showed for the attitude of the two boys who killed the victim. Another thing I thought was kind of funny was Nick's obvious discomfort when Sara asked what a "johnson" was. You could almost see him blush.

I think this episode was the one which Nick's charm won me over and he became my favorite character. Usually I never like the "cute one" on any show.
Well we have 4 days until Valentines Day :) So what's everyone got planned to cook for Nick for the special day. I'm thinking salad, garlic bread and lasagna. For dessert we'll have a chocolate fondue with strawberries :) Oh that is giving me such :devil: thoughts jsut thinking about that picture :)
Oh Jacquie , I totally agree about the chocolate fondue part -- I'm making that too. :devil: For the dinner, though, I think I'll stay away from the garlic. Hmmm, maybe a nice steak dinner with the fixin's (potatoes, salad, fresh baked bread).
Jacquie and OnlyTruth, I'll come see either one of you for dinner. Around here Thursdays are frozen pizza night (pizza bites for Victoria), and the kids actually look forward to it.

For dinner I'll go for rotisserie chicken, sugar peas (I like my veggies), and some kind of potatoes. I'm not much of a salad person. Chocolate layer cake for desert. :D

Yes, I know, I'm in the deep freeze with snow (3 - 6 inches) sleet, freezing rain, and rain predicted for Tuesday night into Wednesday and I don't have an indoor rotisserie. :rolleyes: I can dream can't I! :lol:


ETA: While growing up that was my chosen birthday dinner every year. :lol:
BabaOReilly said:
Brown haired teacher right here... ;)

Same here...brown haired teacher...
but he would have to like kids...
i wouldnt trade my little Nicholas for anything...even if he is keeping me up all night...just came home from the hospital, it went very since he has colics...i spend my night rocking him and watching CSI :eek:
Maryse Congrats on the good news. I like the name Nicholas but is that his real name :) or jsut his Ward name.
maryse good news!

I'm going to have to go with steak and A1 (he has said he loves A1, I don't like it though), baked potatoes, corn, homemade rolls. Salad to start off with and chocolate pie with whipped cream :devil: to end with.

Now, George better get busy, because I don't cook. :lol:
Actually, I hate to cook. :p
Jacquie I gave my husband a choice of 3 names i really liked and let him pick...what can i say man has taste ;)
This thread is close to been dropped to page two. We can't let that happen.

So now that the writer's strike is over lets all hope that they have not abandoned the idea of putting Nicky more out front.

I remember David Rambo saying they had an outline for Episode 12. So I wonder how much will be changed.

I hope they continue with what they had planned at the beginning of the season. I'm happy that we're getting more episodes though, I didn't think that would happen.

Ok CSI writers we want MORE GEORGE/NICK! If you think us fans can be supportive, and the lengths we'll go to be supportive, just imagine what can happen if you anger us Nick fans!! :p
stokesgirl said:
Ok CSI writers we want MORE GEORGE/NICK! If you think us fans can be supportive, and the lengths we'll go to be supportive, just imagine what can happen if you anger us Nick fans!! :p

Yeah! We need new and more George, now that i'm home for a while....i want more more more!!!
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