George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Yeah, he is :) I totally love the little banter between him and Warrick, too.
But Nick on a mission, so determined and suspicious as hell :devil:
Boy it's been quite in here today. You all must be watch Redrum for the umteenth time. Can't blame anyone for that! :D
Hea Y'all! Just came in to say that I've found a funny site, if you read it, it's kind of funny, it gave me a laugh!
Click Here!

Jacquie, Nick's not up there, he's down here, keeping me warm in San Antonio, it's quite cold right now! :D

Here's a funny story from me, I attended Belton High, the same as George, and there's this really old teacher that was there when George attended. Not calling our George old or anything ;). Well one day I was talking to one of my friends about a episode of CSI and were drooling over a picture of George that was in the cover of one of my folders and he's like 'You know, he sat in the same seat that you're sitting in right now.' I'm not sure if he was joking or not, but I tell myself that he wasn't :lol:! If not, it's kind of like my butt has touched George's :lol:.

Oh and Marns, I've had an experience kind of like yours, but not with George, but I have had the pleasure to get a hug from him, as some of you may remember (remember the whole Stetson colone thing?) Well one night, I was walking to our little corner store that's right by my house, when I heard footsteps behind me, I looked and there was this guy walking behind me that looked idenitical to the guy who played the Strip Strangler!:eek:!

Hits Jacquie with a big Michael Keppler Pillow!!!
Nikky you must have the clone down in San Antonio with you because I have the real Nick still sleeping in my bed. Thanks for the story about the boyfriend. That was cute. :)And thanks for sharing the seat story as well. Did I ever mention I'm jealous of you. First you sit in George's seat and then you get to hug him :mad: :). I think with so many high schools around you are bound to have some one famous or at least well known that's gone to your school. My husband went to school with Howie Mandel. When I started high school a future, now former, Canadian Football League player was just finishing school.

Grabs a big Nick pillow and thwacks Stoky with it :)
*ahem...steps off podium and walks quietly away* Sorry for the rant! *thwacks self in head repeatedly*

Not a rant I assure you! Excellent point! And how true it is how co-workers know us better than our own families. I'm sure Catherine had to know that Nick would take this the hardest and more to heart. Then I wonder just 'how' this will reflect on Nick in future episodes, especially towards Catherine and Keppler. I don't really think Nick thinks too much of Keppler. Will Nick be more distant from Catherine, buck her authority, not interact with her unless he has to? Nick can pretty much convey his likes/dislikes through looks and attitude! And he does! I'm curious if Grissom will see this little fracture when he returns. It is like Nick has these fractures in his life that have been healed with time and the backing of his 'lab family'. Although these fractures can't be seen on the surface, some are still healing. *joins McStokes in hitting self with pillow*

And yes...wasn't our boy positively squee-licious last night? The scenes with Nick and Rick reminded me of the ones we all love with Marty the "Crime Scene Cleanup Guy" from the epi at the arcade. They make me giggle like a school girl the way they trade barbs.

:lol: Oh what a joyus memory! *admits to laughing like a school girl too!* Those two are just way too funny together! Was anyone else checking out Nick's hands in that epi? He has some seriously nice hands! :devil:

Ahhhhh.....stoky! Thanks for the GE pillow smack! I was floatin' for hours! :) Giddyup!! :lol: :lol:

*goes on a Ward pillow smacking spree....praying not to get caug....oh...hi Destiny! Uhmmmm....just fluffing up all of the pillows in the Ward. Trouble? Me?! I would never create spread it...maybe. :D *
Morning all!
SparkyGirl thanks for that...after I wrote all that I kinda felt like an idiot...when I went back and re-read everything I was like "gee, girl...have issues at your own workplace, much?" ;)

And how jealous am I of you Nikky??? I hope you picked that desk up and ran out of the room with it! Did you grill the poor teacher for more details?? :lol:
Good evening! :)

I watched "Redrum" today again (and again)...And I noticed that Nick didn't wear gloves while he processed the straw! :eek: CSI Level 3, right :D And then I thought: hey, maybe now George is proving to Liev "see, I DON'T have to wear gloves" ;)

Edit: the Keppler-site of CBS has a new clip with Nick
...and Nick wears a hoody
Nikky thanks for the link :D nice to read this

NfS2 ;) *grab big pillow and nice you´re back* :)

SparkyGirl thanks a lot for you´re info :)
and nice to hear with the pillow *therfore thwacks a big GE pillow and smacks you* :lol: please what is giddy up? is this meaning to power a horse :lol: ?

my problem most of the new Epis i can´t see so i can discuss with you pity :rolleyes:

Softcake thanks for the spoiler :D nice i´ve seen on CBS - cute ;)

*grabs 10 big pillows and thwacks all of you, and another big GE pillow and smacks Jacquie :)*
Stoky yes 'giddy up' is an expression to tell the horse to get moving. So when Nick say's it to Warrick Nick is telling Warrick to get moving :lol: I wonder if that line was adlibed or was actually written for Nick :). We've had y'all and giddy up this season. It seems Nick is getting more Texan this year than others
Jacquie thanks :lol: that´s really funny, i´ve not seeing that with Warrick and Nick but i can suggest, that´s good scene *so nice - giddy up* :lol:
Stoky maybe you'll see it sooner than you think *blinks innocently*

The "giddy up" was one of my favorite scenes. That and the look Nick gave Warrick then :D
Don't they have the full episodes available to watch at Maybe you guys can see it there.

Just jumping in for a quick hello...time to exercise and maybe relax for a bit...novel concept, I know, but I don't relax very well!
thanks :D Softcake but sooner is sooo long :lol:

McStokes :) poor, have good relaxing i hope for you. And yes i´ve to try on CBS com, my Player don´t accept this, therfore i can´t looking this :(

wish you a good Night McStokes ;)
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