George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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I agree, Elsie one CSI soap opera is too many *starts grumbling about Miami*. We don't need anohter ship in Vegas.
Welcome, Dory! No, I haven't heard of it. And that's probably because I live so far from America.. :lol: Someone else should be able to answer your question.
alright, was a JOKE! :D

Besides, everyone knows Nick lives with me, so Catherine doesn't have a chance! :lol:
Welcome Dory. Come visit us in the ward for a fun time there also.

I just finished watching Redrum and boy Nick was even better the second time around. I liked the 4 of them discussing the case out side. I noticed that Nick was flexing his hand like he was itching for a fight.

Grabs a big pillow and smacks both of you. Nick's here with us in Ontario people :) :lol:
Okay.. Okay.. I am fended off! (or whatever I have to reply to that..) :lol: Just to prove that- I will punish myself and *thwack* McStokes back!
Wow, great episode! And judging from the commercial for next week, there's going to be a lot of Nick action in that episode too. Very cool.

Yep, Nick definitely has grown a set. I'm loving the self-confidence, let me tell ya.

On a side note, I loved the bit about shooting that guy who wouldn't let them enter the scene without proper paperwork! Too funny. :D
^^And later when Nick went back for the car and the same guy tried to give him a hard time, Nick threatened to put him in jail. :lol: (You wouldn't do anything like that, would you McStokes?) :p

It looks like CSI:LV is getting a major injection and coming back to life. :rolleyes:

No, *cough* I've never *cough cough* used such strong words on someone!! :lol:

I had such a big 'ol sh** eatin' grin on my face everytime we got to see 'tough Nicky!' Weren't we talking about dreams we've had at one point? Well, I had some nice ones last night! :devil:
Is there an episode with Tough Nicky in S2? :lol: I want to see S6 and the ones after that! Too bad that's not gonna happen in a couple of YEARS! :eek: :(
Marns oh yea i understand you good. Here in Germany is Season 6, but all news lasts so long :lol:

eta: sorry folks i don´t have chance to speak over our last Epi 7 that you´ve seen. But i think Nicky´s Charakter must change. What will GE plans for the Future? He needs new Charakters and new actor Parts. I hope the Productions give them new offers for new Films and i know, he is an good actor and have many abilitys. GE must show them also in CSI :D
that´s why he no changes his personality charakter ;)
Ah...yes...I do believe there will be a day of Rage. It has been building up...ever so slowly.

I will have to be revived if TPTB decide to have continuity with this new side of Nick and go forward with it. There has been a major change in our Hot Texan. Not to mention the excellent work of George who brings the character of Nick Stokes to life and gives him demension! You rock George! Don't even get me started on the whole GD continuity...I will be sent to Ecklie's office! :)

Nick rocked! I love a take charge Nicky! When things started not to add up, you could see the hurt in his eyes. Especially at the end. He was ticked and was not letting it go. He felt betrayed. Hopefully he hit the gym and worked off his anger. I don't see Nick hitting the bottle.

We are seeing/hearing clues to how Nick is thinking/acting. Does anyone else see this? I know Warrick sees this, but what about Catherine? Greg? Will Grissom notice this when he returns? Okay...too much thinking before work will wear me out! :D

On a small side note...I thought the comment Sara made to Catherine about later and the look Sara gave... oh to be a fly on that wall! Makes me wanna see Nick have a little talk with Catherine! the pexiglass would melt!

Stoky you are the pillow queen of the Ward! Being socked with a pillow by you is the upmost honor one could ask for. to getting socked with a pillow by George! :D Who wouldn't want to get socked by a pillow from George? Thought so....... :devil:
SparkyGirl so good words and good explains. And i think also you´ve right with you´re reasoning. I agree with you that Nicky must become the major. But ok your meaning is much value, pity we´ve seen the epi still nothing in germany *hmm*

Thanks for the pillow Queen

SparkyGirl i think the others have not the meaning? but ok, the GE Pillow ohhh yeah, i like this pillow most of all. And i will to give action to do this :lol:

*grab a big GE Pillow and thwacks you SparkyGirl :lol:* catch him it´s nice
How Catherine ever thought she would be able to hide things from her team is beyond me. After all...they are the second best crime lab in the country!

And I've always gotten the feeling that everyone knows about Sara and Griss me...when you are around the same people for so long a time, and for god knows how many hours of the day, AND you are supposed to be a cohesive, gelled unit that thinks, acts and breathes as can't hide much from people! Even the tiniest things like switching the brand of iced tea you drink gets noticed (really happened the other day!)

Sometimes it's just too crazy at work dealing with a group of people who are basically barometers of peoples behaviours, trained to look for the slightest hint of deception, trained to just WATCH people! It gets unnerving! I actually snapped at a co-worker the other day and said something to the effect of "I'm not one of our perps! Stop dissecting everything I say as if I am in interrogation!"

We know stuff about each other that would amaze even their family fact, I know my co-workers share more with me than they do their own spouses. That's why I think Nick is going to have such a hard time with this. I think he's finally reached a point where he feels he can breathe again given everything that has happened to him, that he has this wonderful family at the lab that he knows has his back and loves him enough to fight for him the way they did...then to go and pull a stunt like what Cath did? Got to be hard on the man!

*ahem...steps off podium and walks quietly away* Sorry for the rant! :lol:

*thwacks self in head repeatedly*
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