George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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Stokydream said:
And yes i´ve to try on CBS com, my Player don´t accept this, therfore i can´t looking this :(

Well, if you are outside the US, just as I am, you have the problem, that they are checking your IP to see, where you are coming from. Outside-US IPs will be excluded. But you can easily trick that by using a proxy which is located in the US. So do a bit of google searching for open proxies, set up your browser's connection via the proxy ... voila, you can watch the episodes on Innertube. :)
Dalnabe said: But you can easily trick that by using a proxy which is located in the US. So do a bit of google searching for open proxies, set up your browser's connection via the proxy ... voila, you can watch the episodes on Innertube. :)
Rule that you can find in the "Help Guide" Tacked at the top of this forum.

Episode Linking, Proxies, Allowed/Not Allowed:
-There are two legal ways of getting CSI episodes online those are CBS's Innertube and iTunes. Anything through is going to be legal.

-Some people that will try to hide the fact that they are not in the US by using proxies (these are just routing your traffic through a 3rd party server). These services are not illegal. Though talking about circumventing CBS is dodgy and not allowed on this site.

-Talk of MIRC, BitTorrent, Usenet, eDonkey or P2P. These are all illegal. Any sites that claim to give you access to TV episodes (you'll often see them in Google ads actually) are illegal. Even if they say they are legal, they are illegal.

-End result: CBS and iTunes are okay. Ways to cheat them not ethical and should be stopped. Other ways illegal.

-Add-in: Until CBS officially makes a page at "" the site will error on the side of caution and call any clips from (ie shows,ect.) will be considered illegal. (If/when this changes we will post it in the Help Guide).
:) thanks Destiny that´s good information, i´ll making not illegal things and hope i´ve found now a correct access :)
Hy Guys :D what´s quiet here :eek: no theme no discuss? no news? *hmmm*

*grabs a pillow and smacks somebody* :)
Hm, no news are good news? I am curious how tptb will develop Nick's character further. (Actually, I spent some decent amount of time reading some very good fanfiction and I wonder why tptb can't wrote so intelligent.)
Do you just whack me with a pillow? *whacks you back*

I know! Lets go kidnap George and lock him in the closet? and take turns :devil:
Dalnabe ;) yes tptb ought to looking for fanfictions, that would be an good idea :)

CathStokes sais
I know! Lets go kidnap George and lock him in the closet? and take turns :devil:
yeah let us doing this :lol:

eta: *grab your pillow and smacks you back :)* CathStokes
Oh.. You all have no idea how good this morning started. I'll tell you. When I woke up, I looked right at Georges face (I have a huuuge picture above my bed :lol:). When I got up, I watched tv for an hour. The shampoo-commercial (FINALLY you can see it in Holland too) came by 5(!) times!! :D
Hy Guys :D and hy Marns nice you´re back and you´re lucky Lady with so much George :lol: i´ve also more than 20 printpics near my bed and i´ll woke up every morning with him :lol: so nice, started my computer George looks at me. You´re not alone :lol:

*grabs a big GE pillow and smacks you Marns ;)*
Hea You Guys!!! Sorry but I've always wanted to do that :lol:. Want to check to see, how a relationship with George would work out? I thought you would! Just put your birthday in the first line and put George's in the second, March 1, 1967, just in case you didn't know, but I'm sure you're all like me and have that day marked on your calander :lol:. I have a 88% of our relationship working, :D. If you'd like to see how well you fair with other celebrities, and you can't remember their birthdays, Go Here I have a 96% chance with Josh Lucas :devil: and a 94% chance with Matthew McConaughey :devil: oh the things running through my head :devil:!

Guys, disregard the first link, you can find George and pratically everyone else on the second link, but use the first link for non celebrities. It's kind of funny, my boyfriend and me only have a 69% chance. :eek:
Nikky so funny thanks i like such thinks. I´ve 50% ok :lol: therfore 100% intellectuell :lol: it´s so nice.
And the second :eek: Diego Maradonna *whaaaaa* no never ever!!! *sry*

eta: but therfore with my dog 68% :lol: that´s good partner.

noo noo it´s really funny i´ve made a pseudo year 1910
poor George *waves for GE* :lol:
*lol* Nikky this is fun!
My results:
physical: 20
emotional: 85
intellectual: 100 :eek:
total: 68

Means we'll be having good cuddly talks and bad sex *lol* Damn :(
Aw man, I only have 30% with George :(
61% With Gary Dourdan (since I was on the G page anyway) The physical part of this one was 100% :devil:
And 69% with Rory Cochrane
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