George/Nick: Texan Charm #6

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I have the same feeling, Stoky God bless the one who invented the internet! :D
As far as I know, there were no promo pics of the cast for Season 7. Someone in the S7 Spoiler pic thread explained it, I think it might have been Destiny
Hy Softcake ;) yes it´s really hard here. Can i find more infos there in S7 Spoiler pic, oh dio mio, must looking, i´m a sleepyhead :lol:
I still haven't found any caps from Sweet Jane yet. Where's new Nick. We're having withdrawal symptons here. I will return to the ward to cure that right away :lol:
Hey guys. I posted a pic (screen cap) from the promo for this weeks ep over in The Ward. :D

And ofcourse, Marny gets sick of the weather. I have a cold. Just as I expected. George, YOU HAVE TO CURE ME WITH YOUR MAGICNESS! :lol:
Ya'll been extremely busy! Wow!! I was going cross eyed from all of the reading!

Baba, it is good to see you back! And in PG-13 mode! All I can say is imagination! Lots and lots of imagination! :D :devil: As for George on his bigwheels...that was precious! I can picture that! I would totally love to see a pic of him on a bigwheel. I bet he was the cutest!

As for the stache....I'm going to take the fifth and hide out in Nick's Denali. That way I can stay out of trouble and not have to spend any time in Ecklie's office.

I'm wonderin' if George isn't having second thoughts keeping his hair cut so short with all of the cold weather recently in CA. Unless he is used to the cold weather and it doesn't bug him. Somehow I picture ear muffs between takes! :lol: Maybe that is the reason why I haven't cut my hair yet. My ears are staying warm!

stoky, snowball fight was fun! The hot chocolate was better!! :) Suddenly I have this vision of you being the pillow thumping queen. It is a good clean sport!

I'm sure George has lurked in here at one time or another. Curiosity would have the best of me...I'd have to look.

Can't wait for tonights eppy. Nothing like a serious, hot Nick to warm me up! The dude's got a attitude! Whooohooooo!

Gotta go to the license place and get titles changed. Why do I buy something in January and have to get tags in April on my b-day? Chaos! I must love chaos!

Welcome new Ward members. Ward 101 lessons will begin very shortly. Feel free to ask questions and discover the true meaning of being in a Ward!
SparkyGirl :lol: howdy nice that you´re back and hope you´re feel better? big thumping pillow queen nice from you
i´m smaller than the big pillows therfore i must laughing.but right hot chocolate really better than snow fight. I also think GE lurking here from time to time :D *waves to George

but also i think his ears get red when he read something commentarys :lol: but but don´t worry George mostly just fun.

here in german tv also new Epi kiss-kiss, bye-bye :D also happy to see new

eta: must a littlebit change
Morning everyone. Hello to everyone who has been away for while. :)

I've been reading a little bit about last night's episode...and I think I need a Nick fan's perspective. So, anyone from across the water who wants to fill me in on what went on, please let me know....

It sounds full of Nicky angst to me....Should I be worried about our boy or was it all good? :confused:
Elsie said:

I've been reading a little bit about last night's episode...and I think I need a Nick fan's perspective. So, anyone from across the water who wants to fill me in on what went on, please let me know....

It sounds full of Nicky angst to me....Should I be worried about our boy or was it all good? :confused:

I don't think it can really be called "angst." Nick suspected something was not right, followed his instincts, and took action. He is definitely angry. But I thought rightfully so. At the end, everything about the deception was explained to the team. Warrick and Greg seemed okay with it. Sarah and Nick were clearly angry. Then, when they were leaving for the night, Warrick asks Nick if he wants to go out and have a drink and Nick refuses and Warrick tells him to "let it go." From the look he gave in response, it was clear he's not ready to "let it go."

Should you be worried? Well, I guess only time will tell. But I thought that Nick was very strong and I'm not worried. Catherine, she should be worried - she damaged their relationship in a big way.
Giddyup. (Sorry had to do it.) :D

Last night's epi was awesome. GE had LOTS of screen time. Nick was very angry with Catherine. And to be honest, I am a little worried about our boy. The job seems to be really getting to him. Being lied to can't help things much either.

I did get a giggle from the scenes with Nick and Warrick.
AngelaG said:

The job seems to be really getting to him. Being lied to can't help things much either.
Okay, I do have to agree with Angela. I guess maybe I've been in denial. But there have been other times this season where it has seemed like the job and everything were taking a toll (like when Greg got beat up, Nick definitely seemed fed up then). Where TBTP are going to go with it, we can only guess. If they stay true to form, then they'll forget about it when Grissom comes back. :rolleyes:
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