George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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What great interivews. He seems like a really nice down to earth guy who loves his fiance, his family and his life. And who knows how lucky he is. Reason why he is one of my favorite actors.
Not enough Nick in last nights episode...

Loved the blue colored sweater he was wearing - it's a good color for him.
Not enough Nick in last nights episode...

Loved the blue colored sweater he was wearing - it's a good color for him.

Agreed! The light blue looks really good with his dark hair. :adore: I was okay with the lesser bit of screen time tho after the big episode we had last week. :) I still think even a little Nick goes a long way. His presence is always strong even in just a few scenes. :)

The episode overall wasn't that captivating to me, but I'd probably watch it again. :)
Yes, that light blue shirt did look :drool: on Nicky last night.

Loved the Hodges comment (although I don't remember it right now!) he made to Henry. :lol:

Nick made the episode for me. That scene between him and Alice. :luvlove: It does seem like poor Nick gets more than his fair share of the scenes where he has to tell someone that their friends/loved ones have died.

Since we mentioned more than needed about Haskell why couldn't they have Catherine (or greg, or sara) mention the shootout or ask Nicky how he was holding up or something. :( (Nick asking Catherine how Vartann was doing. Maybe!)

That would have been nice. The episode was too Ray heavy last night.

I only watch the show now for Nick and when he's hardly in an episode it almost feels like a chore to watch the whole episode.
I don't mind him having less screentime sometimes (I just think of it as George not being overworked :)). Would definitely have liked a subtle mention of last week though - him asking Cath about Vartann would've been great, or explaining his absense with another "appointment" like in Pool Shark.
Since we don't have a new episode this week to talk about, how about talking about Just a Walk in the Park?

I must say I really enjoy watching this made for tv movie and wish it would be released on DVD. It's a great little romantic comedy. Everytime I watch it, I always think that George should do more comedies. He's a natural at it. I also think he should do a guest role on 30 Rock to re-team with Jane K.

Adam, as played by George, was adorable, funny, sweet...
Upon the first viewing of the movie, I found it a bit too cheesy and predictable, but that's to be expected from a made for TV flick like that, so it was okay.

But I've watched it over a few times more and now I really love it. :) You are right...George brings his own charm and likability to the character. :) And I loved Brenda Vaccaro in it. Her character was excellent!
Coincidentally, I just watched this last night! Basically, the only real flaw in the film is... Jane Krakowski. She just seemed way over the top for this movie. George on the other hand- adorable. He really added some authenticity to a cliche role. I wish he'd had a better actress to work with in the end. I mean, she wasn't awful, but... I wasn't feeling the chemistry on her side. She felt like she was forcing it.

Thank you :) that was a great find :)

he’s given one of the best, most consistently strong performances on the show
Now I know I'm a Ward Girl and all that but how can we not agree with the above quote :)

Absolutely 1000%!!!! :)

And whoa....
"I think I get to deliver a baby in episode 19 of season 11!"
Really??!! :lol: That would be awesome!
Thanks Sookie!

he’s given one of the best, most consistently strong performances on the show
Now I know I'm a Ward Girl and all that but how can we not agree with the above quote :)

Indeed. :luvlove:

And whoa....
"I think I get to deliver a baby in episode 19 of season 11!"
Really??!! :lol: That would be awesome!

He came close in season 8 too. Great chance for Nick to be a "hero" without the gun. :)
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