George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

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I loved the Nick and Catherine scene at the hospital - it was very sweet. And one of the reasons why I keep watching.

I enjoyed the Nick/Catherine/Vartann/Kip scenes.

The Haskell trial was pointless - it took away from the Beiber/bombing storyline.

Nick being angry was perfect - Jason found out his cell phone number, where he lived, someone tried to blow up his house - of course, he is going to be angry.

The ending should have been us seeing Catherine visiting Vartann again - why not tell us how he is? Seeing how Nick was doing - he was sort of stalked again, he shot a teenager..Nope we had to see Haskell escaping.

George/Nick looked fantastic!
Nick has the same phone I do. I think that makes us soul-mates. :cool:

I absolutely loved when he said that he's already used 8 of his 9 lives. Little things like that make me glad. I have to wonder if it's the result of Zuiker being back.
I love a mad Nick but boy do I not want to be on the end of his anger :eek: but it certainly was time for him to let off some of his frustrations.

I noticed we had two different belt buckles last night. Both the plain one and the Indian head one made an appearance. Yes George we do notice things like that :devil:

I too loved the tender moment between Catherine and Nick :adore:

I did notice that the madder Nick got the thicker George's accent became :adore:

and I only managed 232 caps from the show :)
He was awesome last night. :adore: I love how mad he got. It's really in keeping with George's character too where he's said in interviews if he was being stalked he'd "take care of it himself". I'm sure he liked being able to have Nick finally react this way, like "bring it on" instead of any other way. first after shooting Jason it didn't look like he had any regrets at all. Then there was that one look at the end...probably more for the kid going down the wrong path than for him shooting him. It may end up not affecting him that much at all.

232 caps, Jacquie! :lol: Holy cow! I'm getting ready to buy it on iTunes, but I doubt if I'll end up with that many.
Nick has the same phone I do. I think that makes us soul-mates. :cool:

I absolutely loved when he said that he's already used 8 of his 9 lives. Little things like that make me glad. I have to wonder if it's the result of Zuiker being back.

I guess after this, he's used the final one. I wonder if he's going to have to get credit now.:guffaw:
232 caps, Jacquie! :lol: Holy cow! I'm getting ready to buy it on iTunes, but I doubt if I'll end up with that many.

I don't end up with that many after I've taken out the 'duds'. I'll probably end up with about half that amount :)
Found this on twitter. It was 'tweeted' to DLA. :lol:
please thank Eads for taking down Bieber...loved seeing George's badass side...more please!
Loved seeing Nick mad. He needs to do it more often. It'd be good for him to let it all out a little more often.

232 caps, Jacquie! :lol: Holy cow! I'm getting ready to buy it on iTunes, but I doubt if I'll end up with that many.

I don't end up with that many after I've taken out the 'duds'. I'll probably end up with about half that amount :)

I came out with exactly 120! :lol:

I noticed we had two different belt buckles last night. Both the plain one and the Indian head one made an appearance. Yes George we do notice things like that :devil:

I noticed the change in jeans more than the belt. Love the second pair, despite the buckle. :)

and I only managed 232 caps from the show :)

I still cap way too much :lol: 259 from last night. My record was over 900 though, so I'm improving! :D

I wanted to see more of Nick's reaction at the end too. :(
Start my 'favorites' list at the bottom and work my way up each morning. A twitter search under the name of George Eads turns profitable!

Sounds like Maverick (he's 12yrs old!) may not be dooing so good these days but George has a 6 month old puppy. :)
CSI's George Eads takes it easy with Joe

This one is video and I haven't listened all yet.
Mr. Malibu Interviews CSI Star George Eads


excellent finds blackflag :)

Poor Maverick but 12 years is a very good age for a Lab. I'm sure he'll go like the well treated dog he is :) and a Pug as the new Puppy :) I'm sure that will be one spoiled dog as well :)

Loved the interview with Mr Malibu. I love these more intimate interviews. And I get the impression that George does as well.
Thanks for the finds, Blackflag! I love him! :adore: It is kind of strange to think about how celebrities live...kind of in a bubble...but he really seems to have his head on straight about it. :)

Speaking of how he lives, I had a few moments to spare this morning and watched a bit of TOB, and I love the little glimpse we got into Nick's life as he heads off shift in the morning, going to the gym, gets home and checks the mail, etc. Kind of cool. :)
my turn to do a Twitter search on George :)

Howard and George

and it seems as though there maybe another interview out shortly with George :) Syafrina Syaaf??? is suppose to be interviewing George tomorrow :)
I love all these interviews. Especially the short, little video ones. :adore: I just love when he's comfortable enough with the person doing them that he can be himself in them. He can be such a ham. :luvlove:

I'll have to watch all these later, but thanks for finding them. :D

A Pug? :lol: That poor thing won't be able to keep up with him on his runs and hiking. :lol:

Can't wait to watch them later. :D

ETA: Shhhhh, I read and watched the videos while I'm working. :shifty:

I just love him. :adore: He just seems to be loving life at the moment and I'm happy for him.

Yes George, please be careful surfing. :shifty: Don't make us worry about you. :D

I saw a picture of the Pug, I thought maybe it was Monika's. Thought he'd be too small of George. :lol: Though they are very adorable. Ah hell, all dogs are. :D Glad to see that he's a dog person, like me. :D

Maybe I should send my German Shepherd to him, he could use to lose some weight. :lol:

I love when he hams it up. He's comfortable in his own skin, you know? And he is definitely a proud Texan. :D
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ETA: Shhhhh, I read and watched the videos while I'm working. :shifty:

I just love him. :adore: He just seems to be loving life at the moment and I'm happy for him.

Yes George, please be careful surfing. :shifty: Don't make us worry about you. :D

I saw a picture of the Pug, I thought maybe it was Monika's. Thought he'd be too small of George. :lol: Though they are very adorable. Ah hell, all dogs are. :D Glad to see that he's a dog person, like me. :D

Maybe I should send my German Shepherd to him, he could use to lose some weight. :lol:

I love when he hams it up. He's comfortable in his own skin, you know? And he is definitely a proud Texan. :D

first off we won't tell anyone at work you were watching the videos as we all need some fun in our lives :)
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