Something interesting...well, to me at least, maybe to someone else, maybe not. :lol: I have a couple of episode scripts that I got for...research purposes.Anyway....
Of course I know there are many versions of the scripts and revisions and this one is somewhere in the middle. But it's for "Who Are You?" and in this one at the end they have an officer come in behind Grissom. After Grissom gets Amy to lower the gun (which by the way it says she "takes Nick into the den where the shutters are closed"), Nick takes her gun and the officer cuffs her and takes her away, leaving Nick and Grissom there.
Grissom: I only looked at the science. I screwed up.
Nick: Not from where I'm standing.
Now see, I would have liked that ending. But, Nick was so emotional, I don't know how he would have gotten the words out. I know that George pulled that out of a real life experience so perhaps he was the one who wanted the change. I do remember wanting to jump into the TV and loving on him though.
About the hair. The long hair and stache looks too much like my brother. :wtf: