Some actual moments for
Season 1
Blood Drops - When he first see's the one dead boy and punches the wall.
Unfriendly Skies - playing Mr. & Mrs. on the plane with Warrick; the team talk at the end.
Sounds of Silence - using the lasers to track the bullets in the coffee shop.
Season 2
Primum Non Nocere - "Playing cards with my friend" (the end with Rick)
Stalker - in the observation room at PD watching Nigel
Season 3
Revenge is best Served Cold - the race with Catherine in the desert
Let the Seller Beware - could take watching that pool scene a couple of dozen times a day :lol:
Inside the Box - when he puts the laser in the back of the dummy and you can tell from the look on his face that he's thinking of Lockwood.
Season 4
11 Angry Jurors - the end between him and Grissom where he tells Grissom he's not like him
Dead Ringer - at the ATM machine when he finds the mini camera
Turn of the Screws - "I am the man" when processing the wrenches
Season 5 (this is the long one! :thumbsup
Swap Meet - lunch with Warrick on the curb
Who Shot Sherlock? - Mr. Wiggles :lol:
King Baby - processing the 'baby' room
Snakes - the whole thing!
4x4 - processing the dead kid in the morgue
Grave Danger - when he first wakes up in the coffin
Season 6
Bodies in motion - freaking out when the buggy crawls on him
Shooting Stars - having to go underground
Gumdrops - at he picnic table when Sara's talking to him; at the end with Cassie
Rashomama - when he see's his truck
Season 7
Toe Tags - explaining to the wife why her husband died
Fannysmackin' - punching K-Fed
Big Shots - interrogation with Drops - "Bad hair day" :lol:
Season 8
A La Cart - go cart racing at the end
Grissom's Divine Comedy - Sick Nick processing the burned out car
Drops Out - Nick, Brass, Drops - any scene the 3 of them are in
Season 9
For Warrick - going after McKeen; Warrick's funeral
The Grave Shift - sharing the office; Hodges brings in Mr. Piggy
Turn Turn Turn - The end with Ray in the locker room
Season 10 (another long one)
Family Affair - very first scene, picking up his spider
Death and the Maiden - end with the kid that was molested
Lover's Lanes - team bowling
Appendicitement - the whole thing
Internal Combustion - processing the street with Greg
Neverland - the scene like in
4x4 where he's processing the kid in the morgue
The Panty Sniffer - at he private lingerie show (the embarasment)
Lost & Found - the scenes with Conner :adore:
Meat Jekyll - kills Jekyll
What would you do if he cries while shirtless?
Possibly require CPR
Or die in a very happy bliss! :drool: