I'm sure MFCSI didn't mean any offense, DW. Besides, I can almost guarantee that a conversation similar to this one occurred at least one time:
George: My back hurts.
Monika: What's wrong with it?
G: I hurt it playing basketball a long time ago and it's never really been the same.
M: Well, why don't you go see a doctor?
G: Oh, it's not that bad.
G: Man, my back hurts.
M (glaring): You should go see a doctor about that.
G: It's really not that bad.
(Next Day)
G: I can't move. My back hurts.
M: Listen, George, either go see a doctor or a chiropractor or a damn acupuncturist, but if you're not going to do something about it then quit your b*tching!
Aaaand scene.