George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Since it's not spoilerish lets grace the 'Ward' with that awesome pic of George & Elisabeth. What a fantastic smile! :adore:

Morning everyone :)
I've actually going to venture out to a mall today to do some Christmas shopping :eek: We got 3 of the list last night and I should get 2 more today. That will leave only 2 more to get. And that will be all she wrote for Christmas Presents.

Almost done with Christmas presents. The only place left to go is Walmart of all places. :eek: (They're one of the only places around that has boys pants size 18!) We actually ventured to the mall on Saturday - it was practically empty. :wtf:

Sorry ladies, I'm running way behind, still in town. I will be another couple of hours before I post the winners. I'll be back as soon as possible!

ETA: Home! Gawd awful wind, and now it's raining.

Again, I apologize for my lateness, and so without further ado:

Runners Up:

Jacquie - Yummy! :drool:
Smokey - I love how you can see where his watch usually is :devil:
Raynn - Aww......everything is perfect :adore:
Blackflag - So very droolworthy :drool:
NickyFan - Haven't seen this one before :adore:

so that means Nick is heading east to see Princess!!
Thanks to this awesome shot, with lovely highlighting :drool:

Nick surprisingly had to put on a raincoat as he was leaving, so as soon as my dang internet comes back to life, he is on his way!

I know it's late, but he may catch you tonight, or he'll be waiting in the morning. :devil:
Enjoy your Nick time Princess!
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Well thanks Ladybronco.

I come home from the concert (which was awesome by the way) to find this gorgeous guy waiting up for me.

So while Nick and I get reacquainted how about a little hand porn? The usual 12 in 24 hours.

Have fun ladies.
Congrats on winning Princess :)

Have you ever noticed that when you don't have a vehicle is when you want to go out?? The clutch on my 10 year old car went yesterday. After I got home I wanted to go out again :lol: weird cause most of the time I'm home these days I usually don't want to go out :lol: Oh well now we wait to see what the damage is going to be :eek:

my first set of hand porn


ladybronco, NickyFan's pic is from Two and A Half Deaths in season 8.
Congrats Princess.

Finally we're getting street cleanup late yesterday and this morning. :thumbsup: This city is required by a Federal law to do street cleanup every spring and fall to get federal funds to maintain the antiquated sewer system. You bring branches and leaves out to the curb and they truck them away and sweep the street. You can only imagine what it's been like since the storm in October! :lol:

first set of hand porn:

We got the car back and damage to the charge card wasn't too bad. Apparently the pin that operates the clutch fell apart they put it back together and it works fine :)

Lucky you. :thumbsup: It's costing us twice as much as the original estimate to fix the back of the house. First he had to replace rotted wood (thank god no mold! :vulcan:) around the windows over the deck and now he has to replace roofing shingles because he can't get the gutter on right because the roof was patched with tar. :wtf: This all started because the gutters were hung wrong and water was going behind them causing all those drips inside last winter. :brickwall:

Second set of hand porn:

Ladies! I got my new cell phone yesterday and now that the operator unlocked my SIM-card I can start playing around a little :lol: Hope I get all the stuff I can do with it now :shifty:

Second set:


Ah, NickyFan, I think this is your FIRST set :)

Wtf?:wtf: I KNOW I posted a first set, right after you and blackflag posted your first :( What happened? Sucks!!!

Okay then... another set... the first one!

Congrats again Princess!!

Jacquie, thanks for the pic info. That's what I thought, and it's just a pose I hadn't see before with nice arm action going :devil: I never capped that ep, so the only other 2 that I have are the ones from what looks to be behind the scenes or some such. They all have the same shirt :)

Out of everybody's news postings, NickyFan's is the only one that looks remotely fun :lol:

First set of Hand Porn

That's really weird :(
It's my biggest fear too, that I'll totally lose a complete post once I've typed it and linked all the pictures. Even worse would be a winners post :eek: I've had the board go down during one of those and my fear of losing the post made me end up double posting :lol:
I'm more relaxed now that I've got a delete button now :guffaw:

The fun part was about your getting to play with a new phone. I love doing that, it's always the best part :D
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