George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Good Evening all :)

I think having Nick today was the lucky charm. We Have Heat :) No more frozen backs or fingers :) Apparently the relay switch to the fan was broken so the furnace would kick in but it wouldn't run cause the fan wouldn't work. Whatever :rolleyes: the heats fixed and that is all that matters :lol:

So now that we have heat and groceries, we stopped on the way home to do that, Nick is all set and ready to go to the next Ward Girls

blackflag :adore:
NickyFan :)
Raynn :)

but Nick is heading back down to California to visit ladybronco. Sunnies and the Al Bundy wannabe :guffaw:were the ones that tickled my fancy this time round :) So congrats on winning ladybronco :) Nick should be there shortly. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
but Nick is heading back down to California to visit ladybronco. Sunnies and the Al Bundy wannabe :guffaw:were the ones that tickled my fancy this time round :) So congrats on winning ladybronco :) Nick should be there shortly. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:

Thank you Jacquie!! :bolian:
Glad you got your heat back on, seeing as I couldn't manage to send you any of my own recent good weather.

I read your post before seeing the pictures and I was thinking 'what in the heck did I post that made Nick look like Al Bundy' :eek: :guffaw:
I was thinking appearance, not product :D

Nick has arrived safely, and we're preparing to have some grub and settle in for a night of less exciting television, with no new Nick for another week. I guess I must be patient, sigh. :lol:

For y'alls next theme, let's go with some short sleeved Arm Porn! Sleeves can be rolled up, just no long sleeves, I want some skin! :devil:
Winner in the usual 24 or so, Happy Hunting!
Congrats, Ladybronco! I think I can get a set in after my first bowl of cereal for dinner and before my second. :lol:

That is so funny, I was thinking of having cereal tonight too, I even bought some today :lol:
My only hindrance is in having to feed the hubby :p
Congrats, Ladybronco! I think I can get a set in after my first bowl of cereal for dinner and before my second. :lol:

That is so funny, I was thinking of having cereal tonight too, I even bought some today :lol:
My only hindrance is in having to feed the hubby :p

I'm having Lucky Charms! :lol:

For those who haven't seen it, Blackflag posted an awesome pic of George and Elisabeth in the spoiler pic thread...but it's not very spoilery for those who are afraid of being spoiled. :)
Congrats, Ladybronco! I think I can get a set in after my first bowl of cereal for dinner and before my second. :lol:

That is so funny, I was thinking of having cereal tonight too, I even bought some today :lol:
My only hindrance is in having to feed the hubby :p

Darn you all, making me wish I'd stopped at the grocery store on the way home. No cereal in the house. :(

Congrats ladybronco. Love your theme. :drool:

First set:

Well, we ended up with the cold cereal too :lol:
I mentioned it to the hubby that I was going to have some, and he said it sounded good too.
We had Honeycomb :thumbsup:

And just to reiterate, I'm really loving that new pic of George and Elisabeth, he just looks so darn handsome! :drool:
I don't really consider it spoilerish, but only because we have no idea where it was taken, there's nothing to give away in the photo. All you can see is what looks like a motorhome :cool:
Morning everyone :)

I've actually going to venture out to a mall today to do some Christmas shopping :eek: We got 3 of the list last night and I should get 2 more today. That will leave only 2 more to get. And that will be all she wrote for Christmas Presents.

My second set of arm porn.

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