George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Hey everyone! Sorry...I think I'm a little late. It's certainly not due to sleeping in tho, considering I got a call at 6:30 this morning from the nursing home. This after having my Saturday night plans go awry after a hundred phone calls from my very confused father. So now he's being moved back to the hospital and I suppose my holiday gathering plans for today are now kaput as well. And tomorrow starts another 6 day work week. Fun all around.

But here...oh here....I can bask in the warm smiles you all posted for me! :) I hate to send Nick away, but here we go....

Ladybronco - The genuine smiles are just the best! :adore:
Princess - Classic Nick. :)
Nickyfan - He is soooooo up to something! :lol:
Jacquie - Thanks to George, Carrot Top is growing on me! :lol:

And the winner is Blackflag - Still loving this fun pic! :) Congratulations and enjoy your Nick time!
Congrats blackflag!

I've been trying to do way too many things at once the past few days, and unfortunately, not getting most of them done. And now I've volunteered to help run a website for something else, so I'm not sure if it'll ever end. Oh well, it's all fun, and I've been enjoying the Nick pics, even if I haven't been able to post my own. :)

Gonna try today though! First set of wearing black:

Now that I've responded on Facebook, Texan Charm, & the spoiler thread it's time for me to give Nick up... :(

Your runners up:
Raynn - Buzz! :drool:
Princess - :drool:
NickyFan - chocolate :drool:
Jacquie - you probably know what pics won but you did make it difficult on me :lol:


Ladybronco because this was my first ever favorite Nick scene :adore: and I fell in love with this the first time I ever saw it. :drool: Nick's on the redeye across the country and should be there in a bit. He's a little upset that we only mixed the chocolate chip cookies today but he had nothing against testing raw cookie dough. :lol:

I was going to use your Christmas names but I forgot to once I started typing it all in. :guffaw:

Oh my gosh, thanks Blackflag! :D
I was unprepared and didn't realized you had posted, until Jacquie said something!
Bad email notifications! <wags finger>

And we were just talking about the winning pic on FB! :devil:
I love it too, it's mighty fine!

Ok, next theme:
Since we've also recently been discussing good hair, and even the buzz, I want YOU ladies to post 12 pics of YOUR favorite hair on our Nick! :drool:

Happy Hunting :devil: :bolian:
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