George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #43

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My hubby knows that this is my hobby/vice. He's also aware that I enjoy reading gay/romance books since we both have the same Kindle acct and that is what I mostly have on my Kindle :D I look at it that they are both harmless and they keep me off the street :lol:

Nothing wrong with romances! :) And to paraphrase a slash writer, "straight women like slash because it removes the woman we'd compare ourselves to, and gives us twice as many hot guys to drool over." :)

I don't really talk about my hobbies with my family (I live alone, so it usually just doesn't come up). My sister does kinda know about my Nick-addiction though - she was over the other day, and of all the decorative crap in my place, she immediately picks up on "hey, why do you have a picture of that guy from CSI on your desk?" :lol:

Second set of buzz (popular theme, so I hope I don't dupe!):

If ever I was sure of 1 thing its that the next time my brother is here and it's not raining out this damn AC is coming out of the window! I am so sick of hearing the damn drip ping when it hits the AC!!! :scream:

My mom knows I'm obsessed with CSI and I'm pretty sure I've told her who I'm obsessed with. How much she's payed attention - who knows? ;) She pretty much considers my obsessions harmless. My brother and the kids have absolutely no idea (except for the fact that he knows I like CSI). They're pretty much oblivious to what I do unless it's something for them.

Second set of buzz:


ETA: Since it's been raining out for the entire week Mother Nature has done in the last 2 hours of Heavy rain what she didn't do during Irene... The entire basement is flooded with at least 2 to 2 1/2 inches of water and it is still poring! :brickwall:
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My hubby knows that this is my hobby/vice. He's also aware that I enjoy reading gay/romance books since we both have the same Kindle acct and that is what I mostly have on my Kindle :D I look at it that they are both harmless and they keep me off the street :lol:

Nothing wrong with romances! :) And to paraphrase a slash writer, "straight women like slash because it removes the woman we'd compare ourselves to, and gives us twice as many hot guys to drool over." :)

Most of the books I do read have a mystery theme to them as well. There is just something about hot looking guys :)

I like that comment from the slash writer. I myself have given up on reading slash. Most of the ones out there now seem to always want to 'hurt' the characters :rolleyes:

my second set of theme pics. I have looked at all the pics but if any are dups just enjoy the :drool:

Afternoon ladies!
I've been trying to get on the board the last couple of hours but my silly internet keeps going out, and I was hoping to not have to post from my phone.

It's hotter than heck here so other than when the horseshoer came, I've been trying to hole up where it's cool. :(
I know some of you are sick of rain, but I sure wouldn't mind a little out here! :rolleyes:

As I expected, it was totally hard to judge this theme, but here goes.
Runners Up:

Jacquie - gotta love it purely for Nick's expression! :p
Princess - oooh....makes me wonder if that next button is undone :devil:
Raynn - hubba hubba! :drool:
Smokey - this is fast becoming one of my major favorites, it has everything! :adore:

is Blackflag!! Every one of yours was so droolworthy I needed the
, but I finally decided on these two. A smile & buzz that will knock you out and a new pose of a favorite standby :luvlove:

Enjoy your Nick time, and don't do anything I wouldn't :guffaw:
(Awesome avi by the way!!)
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I know if I send a search party out for blackflag someone will accuse me of being impatient :D so instead I'll just come by and post some chocolate to see if I can entice blackflag to post the new theme :) :D
I know some of you are sick of rain, but I sure wouldn't mind a little out here! :rolleyes:
I'm sure anyone in the northeast would just love to send you some. If I understood the weather report correctly (I was at least 90% asleep by then!) - that was the remnants of Lee. It actually did more water damage around here than Irene. (with Irene it was the wind!) I hurt everywhere! My back! My feet! My arms! :(

The good things - The washer, the dryer, and the freezer are all in either the basement or the garage and all 3 still work! :D
is Blackflag!! Every one of yours was so droolworthy I needed the
, but I finally decided on these two. A smile & buzz that will knock you out and a new pose of a favorite standby :luvlove:

Enjoy your Nick time, and don't do anything I wouldn't :guffaw:
Nick! Just what my sore body needs. I hope he's gentle with the massage! :devil:

I began to like King Baby much more after I capped it. I got so many :drool: :drool: :drool: caps from it. :lol:

New theme:

I'll make it easy on you and easy on me! :guffaw: Up to 12 open Nick. Winner in 24 hours or so. :)

(Awesome avi by the way!!)
Thank you. :D Had to use a pic I found online for it - ironically our local paper has almost the same exact pic on the front page today. :lol: Wanted to use one that I took back in either the 80's or 90's but I haven't figured out how to use the scanner yet.

Afternoon everyone!
Sounds like Nick will be just the ticket for you Blackflag! :devil:
Glad I could help :thumbsup:

As for the rain, I think Princess is right, and as much as I'd like it out here, Texas probably needs it a lot more. Some friends of ours said a fire was right behind them but we haven't heard an update in a few days :(

Open Nick coming up!

Today's weather has been back to mid August temps. Hot with some humidity. I will say it breaks the pattern we've had the last week of our weather being dull and grey. I don't mind that so much if we might have had some rain but we didn't get much.

I think we would all love to send some rain to Texas. Poor people :(

My second set of Open Nick :drool:

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