George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Thanks luvnicky for the info. I found that pic on tumblr searching for George.

And thank you Jacquie for sending Nick my way.

So, theme about some good arm porn? The usual 12 in 24 if you please.

Thanks Princess.

Wow! What a may to wake up. Nick leaning over you. And I think he'd been there for awhile. He seemed to be getting tired of trying to wake me. :lol: (What can I say. I did not sleep good at all last night and was very groggy when it was time to get up! :() At least I had some company to help wake me up all the way. :devil:

You girls would be looking for a new theme so...

I want up to 12 of the rear view. Get your minds at least part way out of the gutter! They don't have to be butt shots. After all he does have a nice strong back and shoulders (at least I hope that with it being a year later it's nice and strong :thumbsup:). And yes they can be George, Nick, Shorty, Adam, Gus... You name it I'm not fussy! :devil:

Just passing on through to say:

Two weeks from today!


Two weeks from today!


Two weeks from today!​

I now return you to your regularly scheduled game. :D
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