George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Unfortunately for me I have to give Nick up! :(

Your runners up:
Smokey - gotta love the JAG look. :lol:
Princess - I'm glad he wears the CSI jackets more often now. :drool:
Raynn - Not exactly what I was thinking of when I said 'jackets' but wet Nick is as good as dirty Nick. :drool:


Jacquie with this season 9 denim jacket and last seasons jacket of choice. Nick's on his way north of the border now. I don't think I need to tell you to enjoy yourself! :lol: :devil:


Jacquie with this season 9 denim jacket and last seasons jacket of choice. Nick's on his way north of the border now. I don't think I need to tell you to enjoy yourself! :lol: :devil:


perfect timing for Nick to show up as we're about to sit down to dinner. I do love having me a guest :devil:

Thanks blackflag :) and yup you don't need to tell me to enjoy myself :devil:

So new theme for you all. It's Monday and the last day of the long weekend for most of us so lets do a random theme. Post 12 pics of whatever you like and whatever you think I might like :D I'll announce the winner in about 24 hours. Happy hunting while I go and attend to my guest :devil:
Hope you fed him Jacquie. I sent him on his way just before having dinner myself. :thumbsup:


Lets just say we fed each other :devil:

:eek: can't decide what to post for my last one!!! :eek:


You could leave me your keys. Oh wait you already gave me your keys :)

I'm sure no one will mind if Nick is sent on his way a bit early :) We've had a lovely day today. We did a bit of this :devil: and a bit of that :devil: and in between this and that we did what ever we wanting to do ;)

So on to the runners up

blackflag Adam is so cute and adorkable :)
NickyFan some cowboy scruff :drool:
Raynn some cowboy but not too much scruff
Raynn darn towels :devil:
Smokey George getting back into shape :)
blackflag you almost got Nick back. I hadn't seen this version of the Crowsfeet cap. I love the shocked look and the extra Open Nick :)

goes to Princess with this never before seen pic :) At least I hadn't seen it before :) So congrats Princess. Nick should be there shortly :) Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
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